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****** PIC OF TANNER******

I ran. It started clouding over slowly and small drops of rain started covering my skin. I reached Beaus house and walked in after opening the door. What? It's practically my house anyway. Beaus mom Darlissa called out "Who is it?" "It's me mom! I-" was all I could get out before she ran into the living room squealing. "Jamie!! I heard you were kidnapped?!?! Are you okay baby?? They didn't hurt you did they? Oh baby I missed you!!" She said all in one breath before squealing again and hugging the life out of me. I heard feet thundering downstairs and turned to see Alissa, Beaus little sister, running full speed at me.

She jumped and I caught her midair, swinging her around in a circle. "Jaamieee! Where were yah? I missed youu!" "Hey Ali. I just took a little trip, don't worry!" She patted y cheeks and kisses my forehead. "Nevuh go again!!" "Aww ill try not to sweety! Where's Beau?" "Upstayers!" I kissed her cheek and put her down. She ran into the kitchen where her mom was taking cookies out of the oven.

Starting up the stairs, I wondered how I managed to stop my tears. Just thinking about what Lacey was going to tell them made my eyes starts watering again and I just let them fall to the floor. Beau will make it better, he always does. I walked down the hall and opened Beaus door, no need to knock, if he was naked I've seen it all before so no biggie. "Bea-" No words came out of my mouth.

Oh Beau was here alright. Sleeping. Naked. With none other than Tanner, the supposed homophobe, who was also naked. My tears quickened and I could literally feel my heart crumbling. I picked up a water bottle from his mini fridge and twisted the cap off. Walking over to his bed, I saw that he had taken all the pictures of our two years of dating off of his walls. That fucking bastard!

I squeezed the bottle over his head and all the water came gushing out over him and Tanner, who was holding him while they slept. "Ah! What the fu-" Beau shot up and started shouting but stopped when he saw me. "Jamie??" He whispered. "What the hell was that baby?" Tanner grumbled out.

"Yeah Beau, what the hell is this? I get knocked out and kidnapped, taken to some foreign country, don't wake up for a week, and what did you do? You started fucking the homophobic jock. But wait, he's not homophobic now is he? No, quite the opposite."

"Jamie let me-" "Explain? No. Shut the fuck up and listen. You turned him gay or something and what about me? From the moment I woke up in that foreign place all I could think about was you. How much I missed you and couldn't wait to be in your arms again. How you were dealing with this whole situation. But I guess you didn't give a damn about me. And that makes me wonder, did you EVER love me these whole two years? Obviously not." By now my tears had mostly stopped and this was pure anger fueling my words.

"No! Babe, I did love you! I still do!" "One. Do NOT call me babe or baby ever again. That's for him now." I pointed at Tanner who looked confused and slightly embarrassed. "Two. Don't lie to me you cheating douche dick. Don't ever talk to me again. Not that that will ever be a problem since I'm going back tomorrow. Ha, wanna know why I was kidnapped in the fort place? My mom snooped through my room, found my list where I put 'my sexy boyfriend' as a good thing, saw my secret room, saw all the pictures that covered my room of the two of us, god damnit Beau she fucking found out I was gay! And you KNOW how she feels about gays. So she sent me off to be some foreign princesses husband or some shit. Too AB she doesn't know that said princess is actually a prince. A pretty hot one at that. So that's it. Have fun whoring around you fucking dickwad. Bye." I started walking out of his room but stopped. I turned around, knowing they were still watching, and lifted my left hand. I slowly slid the ring Beau had gotten me two months ago off my ring finger and held it in front of me. I stared at it, confirming what I was doing. Finally I shook my head slowly, one tear rolling down my face and let it go. As I walked away I could hear it still clinking on the floor.

When I got downstairs Beaus mom walked over to me. "You're not staying the night hun?" "No. Sorry mom. You know I'll always love you, you were practically my own mother these past two years. You still are, and Ali will always be my baby sister. I love you both so much, you two have a special place in my heart. But after what I found upstairs I can never even look at your son, let alone love him. I'll see you around mum." I hugged her as her eye watered up. Thundering footsteps sounded down the stairs and I looked over expecting Alissa to be there. "Jamie please don't go! I love you! I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry! Just don't leave me!" Beau cried out. I shook my head and walked out the door.

"Jamieeee!" I heard a tiny voice say. Alissa came running up to me holding some flowers, probably picked from her moms rose bush in the backyard. She handed them to me and smiled. "This I sweet Ali but you know what mum will say when she finds out you picked from her garden." "But they're for you..." She said sadly. "I know baby, I know. I love you Ali," "I love you too big brother." She said. I picked her up and carried her back to the house.

"Here, give this one rose to mum and tell her it was from me okay?" He nodded her head and I kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry, Ali, I'll come back to play sometime okay? I promise." "Pink promise?" We joined our pinky fingers together. "Pinky promise." I kissed her on the cheek again.

"Bye Ali" "BYE BIG BROTHER!" she yelled out, as I was literally running from the house. My tears started forming massively and they fell like the rain that must have stopped in the hour I was at Beaus house. Marie was waiting for me around the corner and he ran up to me and hugged me.

"Lacey told me I wait here for you. That you were going to need comforted... Are you okay?" He asked me. I shook my head and he kissed me softly. "Come on. Lets go back and finish packing up your room so we can leave first thing tomorrow." I nodded and we started walking back.

Somewhere along the way, his hand took mine and our fingers intertwined. It felt really nice.


A/N: HANDFULL. lol. A lot of you probably know Beau was going to cheat on him but with Tanner?!? Yeah a lot of you probably figured that out too... >_>

I thought the ending was kind of cute. Because you guys are amazing ill hint you on next chapter. Remember at the beginning and Jamie wrote his pros and cons? What did he wrote down that hasn't shown up YET? Yepp, next chapter will be a long one :) I hope... Anyway, you have to remember Jamie is rich from the very beginning, and then he goes to live with royalty so money is never a problem for him. Bai beautifuls!!

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