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"So we got everything packed?" Michael asked me. A moving truck had taken the furniture I wanted to bring and a Uhaul was going to take the boxes of clothes and anything else I wanted to bring with us.

"Yeah." I sighed out. My mother had come home late last night and left a note thanking Michael for taking her 'piece of trash' away from her, and she left a couple thousand dollars for him as well.

Lacey left early this morning, we had slept in my bed for the last time together. She took my hertz and comforter home, saying it was so she could remember me when I'm gone. I'm completely serious in saying that I'm going to miss her more than anybody, but Michael said she could visit whenever she wants. More like whenever her parents will let her, if she had it her way she would live with me!

We got In a jeep and arrived at the place where the other half of my life and heart was. We pulled into the long drive of O'Reilly Riding Academy. My horses are practically my life, and I smiled as I saw them grazing in a distant pasture, well one was separated by a fence but they were still close together.

I rolled the window down and whistled loudly, watching as their ears perked up and they all started looking around. "Come on babes!! Lets go!! Apache! Dancer! Ghost! Pipp! Come on! You too Playboy, lead the way!". They all snapped their heads in my direction and Playboy squealed loudly, basically telling the others to follow him on the other side of the fence.

All five of them galloped across their pastures towards the barn, tails like flags blowing in the wind. Especially Dancer because she was an Egyptian Arabian.

"Those are yours? I had been expecting one but FIVE?" Michael exclaimed. "Oh...is that a problem?" "No son, heavens no. It's just most kids your age that ride don't have so many!" "Well, my mom IS rich. I can't wait for you guys to see them, my horses are pretty much the whole world to me." "I know what you mean! My Kaine is my soul. I love him to death." Marissa said. "I have more but he's my baby boy, the most spoiled of the horses at the Royal Stables."

"That's my Playboy. He's my big bad wolf. He's so cute!" "Well are we going to go get the or are we just going to sit here and talk about them? We're on a tight schedule, I wish I had known about them before, I would've accounted for them and rented a trailer." Michael sighed. "The docks aren't far from here, plus Ghost and Pipp freak out in trailers. I'll just ride Playboy down and they'll follow. I'll have to have a lasso around Pipp though, seeing as she's just a weanling."

We got out of the jeep and my riding instructor, Sue O'Reilly, ran over. "Oh Jamie! I wish you weren't leaving! Lacey texted me and said you were moving out of country! You're my best student! Nearly all of the trophies and ribbons in the display room are yours!" She hugged me and shook Michaels hand. "I put them in their stalls. I can gather your tack and supplies and stuff if you want."

We started walking inside and Marie's mouth dropped. "Big, isn't it?" I joked. "Are you kidding?! This is bigger than MY stables!" "And this is just the front barn. Sue has worked very hard for all of this, it's amazing." "I can see that!" "Right! Well let's go!" I led them to the end of the aisle and stopped. "These are my babies. Hey Michael? Could you and Sue go gather Dancers bridle and Playboys halter and a pair of reins?" Michael nodded and ran off in search of Sue.

"Well shall we get started?" I asked Marie. "With what?" "Grooming of course! I want my babies to look gorgeous on our trip!" I brought Playboy out and tied him to the cross ties in front of his stall. "You can groom Dancer, she's in that stall over there." "Okay." He went and grabbed her and began grooming her.

Playboy is my baby. He is a 17.2hh Gypsy Vanner. He has a black and white tobiano coat, with thick feathers cascading around his hooves. He has hits up to his front knees and on his hind legs it goes up to about mid thigh. Wherever it is white on his body there are occasional black Appaloosa like spots. His whole head is black except for the large blaze down the middle which is white and also has a couple black spots. He has the prized 'throat latch' marking around his upper neck. His tail is black and his mane is white mostly, occasionally black, and his forelock is a mix of both white and black. His eyes are a bright blue and his eyelashes are very long. He is my only stallion, and is so beautiful that I wanted him to have goals that looked like him and held his amazing genes.

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