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"I! WISH I! WAS STRONG! ENOUGH! TO LIFT! NOT ONE, BUT BOTH OF US!" I sang at the top of my lungs while grooming Apache. I was in a happy singing kind of mood after Taylor Let me sleep next to him last night. Playboy snorted and I shot him a look.

"Hey, I like that song! Atleast Taylor's part!" He snorted again. "Gah, fine. But you asked for it!!" I took a deep breath as I put on Apaches brushing boots.

"HEY I JUST MET YOU! AND THIS IS CRAZY! BUT HERE'S MY NUMBER! SO CALL ME MAYBE! IT'S HARD TO LOOK RIGHT! AT YOU BAAAAABY! BUT HERE'S-" Playboy stomped his hooves in his stall and pinned his ears. I smirked and heard laughter. I turned and saw a pretty little girl, probably about 9 years old.

"I like you! You make this place fun, everybody else is all quiet and reserved, EUGH! They don't even come in here to see their horses unless there's a war or a parade or something like that!" She skipped over and held out her hand. "Amanda Time at your service!"

I chuckled an held my hand ot, shaking hers. "I'm Jamie, do you live here?" "Yupp! I live upstairs, I'm one of the stable hands here. Is that your horse?" She asked as I finished tacking up Apache. "Yep. Him and that big Gypsy over there, the arab, and the foal."

"Oh wow! Wait what foal?"

"In the stall next to my gypsy, Playboy..."

"That stall is empty..."

"WHAT?" I left Apache in the aisle and ran to Pipps stall. It was empty. A note was on the stall wall. I picked it up and read it in my head.

'Dear Jamie, I wasn't sure if you'd come or not and in case you forgot about our little meeting I... 'Borrowed' a little something of yours. She's a sweety. Now, don't forget where to meet me, I'd hate to keep your little baby away from you for too long. --You know who' I crumpled the note in my hand and ran back out to Apache, who was prancing in place.

"I'll be back Amanda. Promise." I mounted Apache and trotted out of the barn.

"Jamie! Where are you going?" Taylor asked when I was about to pass the gates. He had a cart of hay behind him.

"To meet up with that shadow, if you're coming get on." I told him. He looked confused but drug the cart to a wall and took my hand to get on Apache. He held onto my waist and I took off at a fast canter. Taylor showed me the way to town and we arrived at the general store. I tied Apache to a post and put some hay that was there in front of him to keep him busy till I was done. We ran in and I asked the old man behind the counter if I could go to the back room. "Jamie?" He asked gruffly. I nodded and he pointed to a green door.

We walked through and I saw Pipp in a small cage, a rope around her tiny muzzle. I rushed over and rubbed her ears through the bars of the cage, slowly taking the rope off of her. "Hello Jamie, Taylor. I hope you found this joint easily?" I heard behind me. I spun around and came face to face with... Oh my god is that, TANNER?!?!?

(I was totally gonna end it here with a confusing cliffy but then thought, would this even make ONE PAGE? Meh.)

"Tanner?!" He smiled a creepy smile. "Oh Jamie! So glad you remember me" he said while walking towards me.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in America?!"

"Well you see, what happened was... Hahaha No but seriously, I've always been a witch. It's run through the family and I just MIGHT know why you're so confused about all these crazy haywire feelings." Taylor glanced at me questioningly but I just shrugged. How the hell am I supposed to know what's going on?! I just came for Pipp!

"If what I'm thinking is right, I can help you be free to love whomever you like." Does he mean? No. It's impossible.

"Actually I do mean that." He said with a completely straight face.

"No wa- DID YOU JUST READ MY MIND?!" I shouted. He smirked.

Something in the depths of my mind was telling me not to trust him. He helped Beau cheat on me and he stole Pipp. But I'm stupid and had to ask. "Okay so what do you think it is and how do I stop it?" Taylor walked over and pushed me behind himself. "This doesn't feel right..." He whispered.

"I think I would be better suited to tell you that." My eyes widened and I felt my heart beat wildly even while broken. I still freaked out though. Taylor sensed my nervousness and took my hand into his and squeezed it. "Calm down... What's wrong? Who is that?" I shook and backed up to Pipps corral-like enclosure. I hadn't even realized I had walked into Tanners personal bubble. I gulped but it did nothing to help the large lump in my throat. "Beau." I whispered. He glared evilly at me and smirked. "Who's Beau?" I heard Taylor ask.

"My ex-fiancée." I barely got out before I blanked out.


First of all WHAT is Tanner doing here?!?! And where the hell did Beau come from?! I swear this isn't where I was going with this... Marie was supposed to e the cause of it... Goes to show, characters really do take over the authors minds while they're writing. I guess Beau felt that if he's in the description he should make a comeback? Meh. Well I know what'll happen next chapter atleast. Byee ^~^

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