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Taylor POV

Me and Jamies bedroom time lasted a few hours and I was exhausted. My hand was still in pain obviously. He was curled up against my side with his head on my chest, and my arm wrapped around his waist. I leaned down and turned over a bit, so that I was kind of spooning him. I started feathering kisses along his neck and shoulders. "Tay." he giggled out quietly. He slowly started to wake up and in the process ground into me. He continued doing it and I bit his neck softly.

"Are you doing this on purpose baby?" I asked, moaning as I had now fully 'awakened'. "Doing what?" he asked innocently. "I AM an animal, remember? And I have animal instincts that I tend to follow. And at this moment, my instincts are telling me to take you again." I growled out the last word after a brief pause. "But Tayy! Im so SORE!" He whined, turning around and rubbing his bare butt for added effect. I groaned.

He laughed and crawled to the edge of our bed, staring at me intently. "So, what exactly are you? I mean, youre obviously not human..." he trailed off. I quickly sat up and gathered my boxer-briefs, knowing this was going to be a long serious conversation. I tossed Jamie his as well and we both put them on, I gulped. "Well... Im what you would call a were-being. The technical term is a shifter. You've heard of werewolves right/." I asked. He nodded.

I continued. "Hollywood depicts it all wrong. They, in reality, can turn into their wolves whenever they want, their instincts are the only difference on a full moon, their Wolf takes over more than usual on that day. They live in large packs with an Alpha and a Luna, the leader and his or her wife or husband. There is also a beta, the second-in-command, and his or her wife or husband. But ayway, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about, that was just to ease you into it."

He was wide eyed and breathing just a bit faster than normal. "I am a shifter. I can turn into any animal I have seen in person. Every Shifter has a mythical beast they can shift into as well. Mine are the Four Horses of the Apocalypse, not surprisingly. Have you ever heard of them?" I asked. He shook his head no, so I continued on to explain. "The Four horses of the Apocalypse are from the Bible, told as four horsemen who would be seen at the end of the world. Except I can just shift into their horses not them. Its dangerous for me to go anywhere when I shift into them because their powers are deadly, especially Death, the given one. Anyway, The first of the four is named Pestilence. Pestilence is a white horse that causes death by disease and rebellions. It is a mare, and let me tell you now, she is a TOTAL bitch.

The second is a stallion named War, a red horse who is on fire. Its mane and tail are flames and his lower legs spout flames when he runs. As if his name wasn't obvious, he causes death by war. He doesn't actually start wars, he only makes people kill each other which is usually how wars start. The third horse is Famine. Famine is a black mare with an attitude. She is actually very sweet, and my favorite out of the four. Again, her name gives it away, she destroys crops and food, as well as anybody she meets that is greedy and has Greed or Glutton as a Sin. Finally there is Death. Death is a stallion that ca also be known as The Grim Reaper of horses. No, he doesn't have a scythe and cloak. He is a grey horse with a greenish tint, and causes immediate death with anybody he comes into contact with. He is total chaos and I can only cool him down by running for hours without stopping. His energy ends up depleting and he is a very calm horse after that. There are 3 more people in the world, only 4 at a time, and if fate brings the four of us together, the Christians flip out. Its actually quite funny because they think its the end of the world when they see us together, what they don't know is we just look like them and have their powers, were not them. The originals died a LONG long time ago. They are one of the few mythical creatures that actually existed.

I can shift into them almost any time I want but only in the order I gave you, and its different every time. I also can only shift into on each season. So Winter id be Pestilence, Spring id be Mars, Summer im Famine, and Autumn im Death. We all usually get along except for Pestilence. She just doesn't like any of us. She is a bit nicer when I shift into her because she likes to be free and not locked up in my head all the time. Other than that I can do a lot. I always sift into my original animal before work so I can relax. Other than the four horses of the Apocalypse, I have a 'main' or 'primary' animal you could say. Mine is a leopard, which is what you saw earlier. He can talk to me whenever he wants, no matter what form im in, while the other four can only do so when Im in one of their forms."

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