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Jamie POV

I was still blushing from what Sue said as I pressed 2 on my Speed Dial. It rang twice and then I heard a voice I've missed so much the past few months. "Hello?" "LACE!" I screamed into the phone. "JELLY?? OH MY GOD IS THAT YOU BABY?!" She screamed right back. "Yes! And if you don't want me to die of depression you better get your sweet ass over to the barn RIGHT NOW!" I said, laughing. I glanced at Taylor and he was looking at me like I was crazy. "Im on my way right now, oh my god you better be prepared because I might tackle you so hard you'll die." She said before hanging up.

"Well... that was interesting..." Taylor said, then coughed awkwardly. "I've never told you about Lacey have I?" I asked him. He walked over and sat on Kaines tack box. "Nope." He said. I walked over and jumped on his lap, sitting sideways and wrapping my arms around his neck. "She I s my best friend. I literally thought I was going to die when I had to leave her. She's super crazy, and we get along perfectly." I said, stroking a lock of his hair absentmindedly.

He squeezed me gently and laid his head on mine. "Oh! I forgot! I NEED to show you something before Lacey gets here." He said suddenly, jumping up with me still clinging to him. I let go and followed him as he ran to the truck. I stood back as he reached in carefully and pulled out a bundle of Kaines thicker cooler. He looked around and then slowly opened up the blanket. A tiny ball of black grey and white fur poked its head out.

"Tay... what the hell is that?" I asked. "A wolf pup. I cant explain now, but just to let you know we'll be taking care of her and watching over her. All I can say right now is that her mom died and asked me to take care of her. She is a werewolf and her name is Cadence." I stood there shocked. "A-A wolf pup? ... WERE taking care of her? So... were like her parents now?" I asked cautiously. Taylor looked at me oddly and nodded. "Yes. Consider her our daughter." "Taylor we cant take care of a little girl! Were too young!" I said, frightened by the thought of being a parent.

"We have no choice." Taylor growled at me. "Besides, look at her face. You're not really going to say no to that are you?" I looked at her face and the pup stared at me, its big black eyes staring into my soul. I looked away and shuffled my feet. "I... I guess we can watch over her... But you better give me a proper explanation later tonight!" I said reluctantly. He nodded vigorously and brought the pup into the barn.

"Where are you planning on leaving her?" I asked. "In Kaines stall. He'll watch over her." I didn't say anything. This situation is so weird... I heard tires screech an look over to see a hot red sports car pull-speed- into the drive way. It flew up and stopped in front of the entrance. A small head of royal blue hair popped up. It whipped around and I smiled when I saw the face of my best friend. "JELLYYYYY!!" She screamed as she darted into the barn with her arms out. "LACE! BABY!" I screamed back, running with my arms out too. We collided and fell to the ground. We were laughing and crying and couldn't let go of each other.

"I've missed you so much." I breathed into her hair. "I missed you too." She said, crying. We stayed like that for a while longer and then we both got up. She took the bottom of her shirt and dabbed her eyes dry. I was about to do the same when Taylor walked over and took the edge of his shirt and dabbed my eyes for me. Lacey looked startled by the appearance of another person. "Jamie who's this?" She asked me. "My boyfriend. Lacey this is Taylor, Taylor this is my other half, my best friend in the entire world, Lacey." He smiled at her and she looked him up and down closely.

He raised an eyebrow and spread his arms and legs. "Is a pat down going to be necessary?" He asked her, amused. She looked up and then at me. "I approve. Hes got a sense of humor. Hey whatever happened to that one girl that was here last time?" "Marie? It just didn't work out." I said, nervously looking at Taylor. He glanced at me and smiled. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh ok. I like you dating guys anyway. Leave the ladies to me jackass!" She stuck her tongue out and I grabbed it with my thumb and index finger. "What did I say about calling me names?" She glared at me and bit my hand.

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