Chap 14: A Small Glimpse Of A New Everyday Life

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The following days, you had mostly been sleeping over at Kenta's house.
Right now, since you didn't had anything to do, you were just lazing around on the bed. You were alone in Kenta's house, since he and Airi had to work. As you had nothing to do, you decided to go and see your crew. And so you changed your clothes and made your way to the harbour.
On the way there, you met quite a few of your customers. So sometimes you stopped to chat with them.
"It's a real shame that you'll close your bar. But why all of a sudden?" one of your regulars asked you.
"Well, it's because..." you stopped at the middle of your sentence, because you weren't sure what they would think about you being a pirate.

You knew that they would eventually get wind of it someday, but that wouldn't concern you, because you would already be somewhere else and you also wouldn't see them anymore. So all you said was, "I'm gonna leave this town and go somewhere else." And with this answer, you quickly left, darting to the seaside.

There, you could easily find the Heart Pirate's ultramarine, because of it's unique built and also the yellow colour, as well as the big jolly roger of the Heart Pirates printed onto the metal walls.
Just then, when you were standing in front of it, the huge, heavy metal door that was leading inside, opened and the owners of the ship stepped outside. When they spotted you, they called out to you and you got onto the deck.

"I hope that someone will buy my pub soon. 'Cause we can't stay here for too long." you stated as you stared at the town. "Yeah, the Navy will probably appear sooner or later." Law completed your thought.
"Hey (Y/N)!", Sachi called out to you, in which you turned to him, "We're playing cards. Do you wanna join us?" "Sure!" So you walked over to them to join their game.

It was so much fun, that you didn't even notice how time flew by and just like a blink of an eye, it was already evening when you noticed it from taking a break from playing.

As you decided to take a quick nap in your new room, you came across no one other than your captain. "I see, you've already settled in here." The tattooed man mentioned. "Everyone is pretty friendly." You smiled as you thought about your crewmates.
"Where are you headed?" he asked you. "To my room. I think that I'll take a quick nap and play cards again later."

You continued making your way towards your room but you suddenly remembered that you hadn't told your childhood friends about your visit to the Heart Pirates. Since you didn't want to walk all the way back to Kenta's house, so you went to Law, who was just going outside.

"Uhm... Captain..." you stopped when you addressed him like this, because it somehow felt off for you to call him by that. Right now, it was because it was your first time calling him captain, since you had only been calling him by his name until now.

Law stopped walking and turned back to you when he heard your somehow mumbled words. You could see that his lips were forming a small grin before he spoke. "You can keep calling me Law. It also feels off for me when you call me captain all of the sudden." You slightly nodded your head. "All right... Oh and I wanted to ask you if I could use your transponder snail?"
"Yeah, no problem. It's in my room." With this, you followed the man to his room, which was right next yours.
The transponder snail was on a night table.
Go ahead." He tilted his head to the direction of the table, so without having it said to you twice, you walked up to it.

After having your friends informed about your stay here, you walked to your room. You had already unpacked all of your things that you had moved from your house to this room, so the once empty room was now a comfortable bedroom of yours.
Inside this new room, you laid down on your bed. Somehow, you couldn't believe that you were to sail, well probably more like roam underwater of the sea, soon. It felt like a dream to you. But the feeling of it being a dream would eventually disappear, once it were to happen. Because it would become reality. And this future wasn't too far away.


You believed that this was what you needed in your life.

The first time you felt that you needed this aspect in your life, was when Law had appeared and you had noticed that he was a pirate. That was when you knew that you needed something better than what you had right there. And that resulted in everything that had happened so far, even though nothing special had happened yet.
So you were happy that you had gotten to meet Law so that you could sail the vast world.

A knock on your door got your attention, so you lifted your head and looked at the direction while saying with a loud and clear voice, "Come in." The door opened and in came Law.
"What's wrong?" A questioning look could be seen on your face. When Law had spotted you laying on your bed, his movements of stepping inside, stopped.

"I just wanted to talk to you for a bit. But if you plan to sleep now, we could do that tomorrow." the male said and was already ready to turn and walk off. But you stopped him by quickly calling out to him. "Wait! We can talk now. I'm not tired yet." You were also somewhat surprised at yourself that you had practically begged him to stay even though there was no reason for it.
Upon hearing you say that, Law turned back around and began to step closer towards you after shutting the door. While he did that, you sat up on your bed.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" he asked you while pointing at the edge of your bed. You shook your head and so he made himself comfortable next to you.
After a while, he began to talk. "You've probably become stronger, right?" A small nod was your answer.

Your denial to join the crew at first, was because you hadn't been ready for everything that had yet to come. Since the day Law had left, you had been training every single day to hone your skills, which you had actually taught yourself.
Now, you had obtained way greater stamina.
So, now that the time had come for you to be ready to go out and discover the world as well as to become a member of the Heart Pirates.

"Even though you've probably become stronger, you still have to be careful. There's a high chance that we might meet bounty hunters or the marines unexpectedly." His tone had become serious, which caused you to take what he said to heart. "Yeah, I figured." You nodded your head.

For some reason, you suddenly felt sleepy and couldn't hold back the urge to let out a yawn.
When Law saw it, he stood up and said, while he made his way out, "I'll let you sleep now. Good night."
A short 'G'night' came from you before your eyes closed.

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