Chap 12: Reunion

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You were doing your work just like usal. It was your normal morning routine with you giving your regulars their usal orders.
While you were leaning on the counter and waiting for customers, you were thinking about one thing.
"When will he come though...?"

It was as if you had seen Law just yesterday, but at the same time, you felt that it had been a long time since you had last seen the wanted man.
Well, it was no wonder that you felt the latter, it had already been three years since you last saw him.

In these three years, you used every free time to train martial arts. And it was paying off; you could be proud of the result.
Customers that were causing disturbances were quickly taken care of by you; and that in the matter of seconds.
And so you had slowly become stronger day by day.

Right now, you were working.
It was quite busy for you, since a lot of customers were arriving one after another.
And so you quickly prepared all of their orders.
Since you had trained for the last three years, your stamina was now better than ever. You thought that you still had a long way to go though. "But what can I do? I'm only human after all."

While being behind the counter, showing your back to the people in your pub and preparing a meal for a customer, you saw from the corner of your eye that the door got swung open.

After having served the customer his meal, you greeted the newly arrived customer with a, "Welcome!", and at the same time, looked at the person who just took a seat on the counter right in front of you.
The first glance you got on the man rendered you speechless.
You immediately recognized the white fur hat with black spots that was on his head and stared at him with your eyes slightly wide open.
Your reaction earned a chuckle from the male. "Long time no see. I came to recruit you now." he said with that low and husky voice you hadn't heard in ages. "(Y/N)-ya." He completed his short sentences saying your name.

Him saying that, caused you to gasp loud and you leaned your upper body over the counter, dragging the male into a tempestuous hug while you buried your face into his shoulder.

"Whoa there. Are you that happy to see me?" Another hoarse chuckle escaped his lips. As an answer, your squeeze got firmer.
At that moment, you knew that you missed him way more than you thought that you had.
After staying like this for almost a minute, you finally released him and beamed happily.

This moment of your reunion got somewhat celebrated by your customers. They all suddenly began to cheer loudly.
"Who's this man (Y/N)?"
"Your lover?"
"I don't remember ever having seen him."
By the word 'lover', you could feel your cheeks burning up a little.
"This has to be celebrated!!!"

"Hey, you guys! It's not what you think!", you denied, "There's nothing to celebrate for!!!"

But they didn't listen to you and went wild. So you had no choice. You took some trays and flung them at the people who were the loudest; barely missing their faces as they flew by them and eventually crashed at the wall. The people you had targeted went silent from the shock, and the others eventually followed.
When you finally got everyone's attention, you spoke up. "To make it clear: He's NOT my lover.", you emphasize the word 'not' and continued, "And I think that I'll close my bar earlier today. So you all, finish up."

You waited for your customers to finish their food and after they paid, they left.
But before the first one left, you announced, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I'm going to put my bar up for sale. Please tell other people about this."
Since you didn't need you bar anymore, you might as well get money out of it.

Now, it was only Law and you in your bar. "Wait, your crew is here too, right?" you asked the captain, whereupon he nodded. "They're right outside." You were excited about getting to know them. And so Law went outside and stopped right at the entrance. He waved his hand, seemingly motioning his crew to get here.
While he was calling his crewmates, you prepared food and drinks.

And so, it didn't take long for your once empty bar got filled with people once again. Law entered again, this time with his crew members behind him. One particular member had caught your eye immediately. "A polar bear?"

"This is my crew.", Law slightly grinned as he pointed his thumb toward them, "And this", now his thumb wandered to you, "is (Y/N)-ya, our new crew member."
They greeted you and you did the same. "Nice to meet you! I prepared a little feast for you."
As they began to eat and drink, you talked with your crew members and got to know them.

Then, when it was already very late, they decided to call it quits and went back to their submarine.
You had to say, you already loved them. They were a fun buch and you could see how dedicated they were towards Law.

When you were alone again, sleepiness took over your body and you also went to bed.
"I didn't get to talk to Law though..."

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