Chap 20: Disturbance

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The noises you had been hearing, could finally be distinguished from all the other sounds the rain caused as you got near it. And it lead you right back to the village.
Just as it came to sight from between the thicket, what you saw was horrible.
A huge amount of black smoke escaped into the air which was caused by the flames that engulfed most parts of the village. Uproar and panic spread among the villagers as they either tried to escape the raging flames or tried to calm them. Even the rain that still came pouring down couldn't keep up with the sea of flames that seemd to get bigger and spread in a wider range with every passing second.

"(Y/N)-ya! Don't do anything rash!" Law's voice called out from behind you. But you couldn't hear him anymore and kept on running right into the village. It was pretty easy to infiltrate now because you could just enter from almost anywhere since most of the huge and thick fence that surrounded the village was now destroyed and on the ground.
In the midst of smoke screens and blazing flames, the villagers were running to every directions where there were safe spots, trying to escape he crimson hell.

While trying to figure out how to put out the fire, you first began to help the villagers to get out of there to a safe zone. But there was no way to quell a fire this big, which not even the continuous, strong rain could keep up with. You had actually found a well but it got destroyed, blocking the way to the source of water.
"Can't we somehow move the debris?" You glanced at Law, who nodded before using his devil fruit ability to get rid of the stones, making way to the well again.

But while you were doing that, someone suddenly ran towards you with full speed. By the time you had noticed his presence, it was too late for you to react and when you saw the sword in the hands of the man who came at you, the worst outcome flashed through your mind.
But luckily that didn't happen because someone appeared in between you and the sword, stopping the blade from reaching you, by repelling it away with their own sword. The weapon of the one who had attacked you, landed on the ground and pierced into the earth instead of you.
It was Law who had just protected you from getting stabbed in your side. Right after he had parried it off, he called out his Room, threw something he had in his hand towards your crew, and in the matter of seconds, you had teleported from the spot to your crewmates.

Now, what was in front of you, were several people that far outnumbered your crew and based on their attires and weapon possession, you could tell that they were pirates. "What do you want?" you asked them as they slowly stepped closer to where you all were standing and only came to a halt a few meters in front of you.

"From the looks of it... you were the ones who attacked this village, right?" you asked them, wanting a confirmation even though your hunch already told you that it was them.
"That's right. What are you going to do about it?" Loud laughter came from them as if they were making fun of you. But you ignored what they had just said and remained calm.
"Attacking a village and destroying their houses which is their only home on this small island... Just what did you think you'd gain from doing this?"
"They won't need this village anymore since we'll take them to a place better suited for them." Your eyes slightly twitched upon hearing their response and they narrowed to thin slits right after. "So don't get in our way and buzz off." The one who said that was most likely the captain of this crew, given how the rest of them agreed with every word he spoke by making short remarks and other things.
The captain of this no-name pirate group, spoke up again, after a while of their laughter and snickering.
"But on second thought, how about we make you all slaves too?" He moved a finger, pointing towards your crewmates and stopped at you. "You, especially, would probably make a fine slave."
When you heard those words come out of his filthy mouth, you felt like vomiting on the spot as you felt sick to your stomach.

But this feeling quickly disappeared the moment you sensed something on your upper arm. It was a hand. And this hand was tattooed. So you turned your head to look at the owner of this hand but he was just looking straight ahead, so you couldn't meet his eyes.

You noticed that you had gradually calmed down when you two had made this small, almost-physical contact.
A smile formed on your lips and you looked at the unknown pirates again as you said out loud for your captain and also your crew to hear, "I'm genuinely sorry for my selfishness but I really want to beat some asses right now."
"I know.", Law responded, "And we won't let you do it alone."
He raised his voice even louder and spoke the last sentence, which every last one of you had already been prepared to hear. "Everyone, prepare for battle."

It's time to kick some asses!

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