Chap 24: Drunk

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A strange atmosphere had been spreading throughout the home of the Heart Pirate crew for a while now. Everyone could tell that, just not where it came from or what exactly it had caused it. That was, until you saw a behaviour you were so unfamiliar with of someone, that you totally got rendered speechless.

At the early morning, when the whole submarine was still filled with silence, you were already up and about. You wanted to get something to drink, so you were on your way to the kitchen. It wasn't long until you saw a thin ray of light shining on the dark hallway, which was coming from the room you were currently on your way to. As you arrived at the door, you first peeked inside through the crack to scan the kitchen and saw someone sitting at the table. It didn't even take you a second to recognize this person because of the white fur hat decorated with black spots they were wearing. "Law? What's he doing at this ungodly hour?" But right after completing this thought, you dared not think about it further because you realised that you weren't one to talk right now.

You had been so focused on the person that you failed to notice the state of the room at first. But now that your eyes had left the tall man, they swept across the scene, and in order to describe the room, it was a mess.
On the table laid several empty bottles scattered throughout the surface of the flat piece of wood. But the table wasn't the only messy place. There were bottles laying at his feet, all around on the floor.

You stood on the door startled and speechless by the sight that was before your eyes. But when you managed to regain your composure for a bit, you glanced back to the man sitting all alone on the table, whilst not moving a muscle. His back was turned towards you, so you couldn't see his face. All you were able to see, was that his head hung down low and his back was curved, as if he wanted to sink into himself.
Then you saw the first movement from him. It looked like his upper body was lightly swaying right and left as if he was on a small boat sailing on some soft waves.

Even though you were a little unsure of the whole situation, you still decided to go to him and slightly bend down to look at his face. The pungent smell of alcohol rose to your nostrils but you ignored it as you focused on something different. Your eyes widened by what you were now seeing. His half-lidded eyes were all misty and his mind seemed to be lost somewhere. In addition, his face was red, though only faintly. If you weren't so close to him, then you wouldn't have noticed it.

When you put a hand on his shoulder, you could feel him flinch at your touch and then he turned his head to you so you could directly look him in eyes now. But even though he was looking back at you, he didn't seem to be aware of your presence at all. He just kept staring at you in a daze, totally out it.
You were so perplexed, that you were just staring back at him, once again startled and frozen on the spot. Just then, he opened his mouth to slurr some words out. "But...", You waited for him to complete his started sentence with bated breath as your eyes never left his glossy grey ones. "...can I hope for even the slightest chance?" As if it wanted to answer him, your heart in your chest heavily thumped but you didn't utter a single word.
He had raised his hand as if he wanted to grab onto something. It came closer to you but before he could reach your face, all energy in his body seemed to have disappeared and it dropped down onto the table, along with his head. Though, before his face could hit the table, you stretched out your arms and caught his head in your hands. He was now out cold, most probably from the huge dosage of alcohol consume.

By now, your heart rate had returned to normal and what had happened at the short interaction with Law, was slowly slipping your mind along with the return of a calm heart.
"Let's clean up."
First, you pushed his his body back so he could lean on the backrest of the chair. Then you traipsed back to your room and grabbed a blanket to put it on Law.
After that, you rolled up your sleeves and immediately started with collecting the empty bottles and discard them as well as wiping some of the liquid from the table and the floor that had leaked out from not entirely emptied bottles.
It took you a good half an hour to return the kitchen to its original state.

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