Chap 22: What Could It Be?

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Ever since you had left the island, you felt pretty weak. Maybe it was because you weren't used to all that had happened. So when you had reached the submarine, your legs gave in and your body hit the cold floor. And just like this, you passed out.

Once you woke up, you found yourself in your room. It was pretty quiet and given the darkness inside your room, you knew that you were back underwater.
You decided to exit your room and as you were walking around the submarine, you eventually came across Penguin. When he noticed you, he quickly approached you. "(Y/N)! I'm so glad that you're awake!" You could clearly see the delighted on his face.
"Oh, hey Penguin. Yeah, I'm feeling much better now."
Just then, Ikkaku appeared and joined in on your conversation. "(Y/N)! It's good to see you up and about again!"
All of a sudden, Ikkaku had a pretty pensive look on her face and before she said anything, she had stared at you rather intensely. Before you could ask her what was wrong, she said, "You know, I've never seen Captain care about anyone as much as for you before." You furrowed your eyebrows upon hearing this. "What are you talking about? Of course he cares about his crewmates as much as he trusts us. Or else he wouldn't have let us join his crew." A sigh escaped Ikkaku's lips before she shook her head and laid both her hands on each of your shoulders. "He likes you way more than any of us. You should know that, since the time you were unconscious, he looked after you every day."

These words from Ikkaku had been stuck in your mind all day long and it also made you stare at your captain every time you got a chance to do so. And so, you were once again looking at him as he sat on a barrel.
"(Y/N)." Hearing someone say your name, brought you back to seeing your surroundings. This time, you hadn't even noticed that you had stared at Law nonstop for a pretty long time. And the worst thing was, that he had caught you doing that, since it was him, who had called your name just now.
"Yes?" you answered him while clearly avoiding eye contact. "What do you think about going up and catching some fresh air?" You energetically nodded your head. This might cool your mind off and help you get these thoughts, that had been in your head, out.

So, once you made sure that no one was on the sea at the moment, you emerged from to the surface.
When you were outside the submarine, you could see that it was already evening.
You leaned onto the wall next to the door and took in the beautiful sight in front of you. Law was doing the same. The sky was going from different colours of red to yellow and it had also painted the usually white clouds with either a touch of light-pink or bright yellow-orange.
And all of the colours of the sky as well as the painted clouds with its forms got reflected on the surface of the sea.

You were so immersed at the scenery, that you didn't notice that someone was watching you instead of the sunset. And that someone was the one who was only a little more than a feet away from you.
It was only a little later that you noticed this person staring at you because you had diverted your eyes from the sunset to your side only to meet a pair of shining grey (golden) eyes which made your own ones widen in surprise. The owner of these eyes was looking at you as if he was deeply in thought. And you didn't know why but you couldn't look away. Seconds passed and you took action first. Your hands reached up and pressed against Law's eyes, making him unable to see as you laughed out while a little flustered, "That reminded me of the time where I hit my face against the doorframe after the lights went out three years ago." When you said that, you also looked over to the sunset. But when you felt Law grabbing your arms and pulling them away from his face, you quickly turned your head back to him.
"Yeah, I also remember that. It was pretty silly of you to move around in complete darkness." A deep chuckle left his throat as he recalled the far-back memory.
Having him say that made you feel rather embarrassed and you hung your head down low, looking at the wooden deck. But you weren't staring at it for long because your eyes flickered towards the sunset yet again. And this time, they stayed glued at the colourful scenario, which unconsciously cracked a smile on your face.

~ Law's POV ~

I didn't really take much notice of the sunset nor was I watching my crewmates. What my eyes were constantly capturing, was the woman next to me. It was as if she had something that made me be drawn to her. Though, I couldn't tell what it was.
Come to think of it, she was the first person who I had thought a lot about. I had noticed that when we parted. And it seemd that this had grown stronger over time. And when we had finally met again, all I wanted was to grant her everything she desired. Just her smile made me want to smile along with her.
Just what could it be?

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