Chap 23: Catching

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~ 3rd POV ~

A calm sea was perfect for fishing. So here the Heart Pirates were, out on deck of the Polar Tang while it was barely swaying on the surface of the blue ocean. Some of them were equipped with fishing gear and sat on the rails at the tail of the submarine.
(Y/N) was one of those who were fishing and as she was looking down to the sea, she was lightly swaying her feet while waiting for something to bite on her bait as she was showing her back to those on deck.

(Y/N) kept on catching a fish at least every three minutes. But contrary to her, Bepo and Shachi couldn't get even a single one. So she made fun of them, saying things like "You guys have bad luck" or "The fish seem to love me" and many other things.

Unknowing of someone watching her, she was having fun. And that someone was no one other than the person who she had known the longest out of all the people on this submarine.

"What is it this feeling?" Law followed (Y/N)'s every move with his eyes while continuing to turn the question over in his head. But no matter how much he thought about it, nothing that could explain it came to mind.

~ End of 3rd POV ~

~ Law's POV ~

I was so fixated on her, that I didn't noticed that I was watching her every time I had a chance to lay my eyes on her. And every time I saw her, I seem to feel a little different. But I couldn't point out what exactly it was that I was feeling. So I just continued to watch her.

~ End of Law's POV ~

~ 3rd POV ~

It was silent as (Y/N) was waiting for another fish. She had decided to catch just one more and end the fishing afterwards. But this time, it took quite some time for something to bite her bait.
Even after 10 minutes had passed, she did not give up and patiently waited. Though, now that there was still nothing, Shachi was now the one to make fun of her. "Now it seems that your luck has run out." he said sneeringly whilst patting her shoulder as if to mock her. "Hmpf! Just you wait. I'll catch something with the size of trice a normal fish!"

Just then, something strong was tugging on the end of her line. It was too sudden and also very powerful, that (Y/N) couldn't comprehend the situation fast enough and almost tumbled over. If it weren't for Bepo and Shachi grabbing onto her arm and shoulder on both sides, then she would have fallen into the sea and since she was a Devil Fruit user, she would have very much drowned unless someone was to rescue her of course.

Now, those three were struggling to keep their grips on the fishing rod and haul, whatever it was that had bitten the bait, out.

After a short while of struggling, the group that was holding onto the fishing rod, finally succeeded to get the animal out of the water.
With twinkling water getting splashed up to the air, the fish came popping out of the sea.

And that was when someone's eyes widened upon seeing this scenario in front of him, or more like, the girl, which was the main focus of his attention.

~ End of 3rd POV ~

~ Law's POV ~

Even though all the splashing water that came up from the sea, and the sun reflecting it made it almost impossible for me to keep looking at this direction, I still kept my eyes on this place.

My heart suddenly thumped faster and heavier. With the blood rushing throughout my body, I could feel my sped up pulse up to my carotid arteries and in addition, my skin slightly heated up.
While my eyes were glued on (Y/N), my mind was suddenly playing memories of the past. But they weren't just random memories. They started with the first time I had met (Y/N). And the following ones were also all related to her and the last picture that played inside my head was the (Y/N) here and now.


I was definitely developing feelings for her right now. Somehow, it felt like I had already liked her for quite some time before realising it and something was triggering it for me to finally notice it now.

~ End of Law's POV ~

So while you were busy catching fish, you didn't notice that someone else was catching something different. You were also unconsciously capturing another thing which was far from a kind of fish. The person you had seize something from, was catching feelings.

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