Chap 18: New Day

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A knocking sound awoke you from the slumber. With a small grumble, you shifted around your bed, not having any intention to stand up and open the door. Right now, all you wanted to do was to drift off to sleep again. But that someone didn't let you and kept on knocking on the door.

Your attempt to cover your ears failed because it was too much of a hassle to stay in this position and so you rubbed the sleepiness out of your eyes before you finally got out of bed. After successfully moving from the bed, you dragged your body to the door to slowly unlock and open it. In order to look at the person's face that stood in front of you, you had to lift up your hanging head and squinted while you did that.

It took a few seconds for you to recognize who this person was and when you finally did, you shot him a somewhat sheepish smile. "That's rare of you to sleep for so long. Normally you'd be up long ago.", the tall, black-haired man cocked a brow as he looked down to you, "At first I wanted to let you sleep until you wake up on your own but given the time, I decided to wake you up. Morning is about to end."

"Is it that late?" You yourself didn't know how you ended up sleeping until early noon. Since your job had required for you to wake up early, you should have gotten used to it.
Today was the first time since long, that you had slept for a longer period of time.
"Well, seems like I'll sleep longer than usal from now on since I don't have to work." You shrugged as you walked past him.

While on your way to the kitchen, you glanced out the many windows you passed through. The countless fish and diverse sea plants that came to sight were sometimes really pretty.
With every step you took towards the kitchen, you could hear the countless voices louder and clearer until you reached the door which was a gap wide open. And with a powerful push, you swung the door completely open and energetically said a loud 'Good morning' to your crewmates.

"You're finally up? Come and eat breakfast before everything's gone." Ikkaku called out to you and offered with a small wave to sit next to her. So you joined them on one of the seats next to the woman and also began to eat the food you picked out that were placed on the table.

After making sure that no one was on the surface oft the open sea, you emerged and were now in the open again. You walked up to the ship's bow, turned to your comrades and put the plant in front of you.
"Well then, here I go." You gently touched some of the leaves with your fingertips and in a flash, the tiny green leaves and the stem grew fifty times their original size, making it seem like a tree now.
Some surprised awes were heard as they watched and touched the huge plant that had grown.

"Huh... I can see that you've trained hard during these three years." Law who was just watching everything play before him while leaning on the open door of the Polar Tang, commented. Slightly nodding your head, you said, "What do you think I've been doing the whole time? I've enhanced my ability to the limit so now I won't get tired that easily." That placed a pleasant grin on the man's face. "Well, when you're all done playing around, we should head back underwater. We might come across an island." The captain walked through all the branches to the ship's bow and stopped right next to you.
His gaze was directed straight ahead into the vast sea, as if he could already see the island he had spoken of. "Aye aye capt'n!" You all replied to Law, showing him that everyone heard his command.
Upon hearing the word 'island', you also stared out to the blue, in the sun twinkling sea and couldn't help but smile with excitement.

~Law's POV ~

I looked out to the sea I had already seen a thousand times.
But this time, it felt like I saw the ocean in a different view. My heart slightly thumped a little bit faster after I saw (Y/N) smile with a twinkle in her eyes.
Anticipation spread from within me but I didn't know the exact reason for it. All I know, was that it couldn't have been the beautiful sea nor the upcoming island.

~ Law's POV end ~

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