008:"Tu me manques"

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008:"Tu me manques"

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Song Suggestion:Falling by Harry Styles

Third Person's P.O.V.:

"You can't be happy like this"The handler motioned to Five's current situation

"I'm not looking for happy"Five stated placing his hands on his pockets

The handler scoffed.

"You can't be serious,you think you can be happy without my daughter?,you're own...bestfriend?"The handler softly asked,smirking when she saw Five froze.

"Is she...is she okay?"Five breathes out making the handler smile in triumph,knowing that she hit something inside his heart.

"Well she's alive,if that's what you're wondering"the handler answered,nodding Five internally sigh in relief.

>>>Time Travel<<<

It was almost lunch when Y/n decided to walk out of her office to make herself a cup of coffee instead of trusting it to those imbeciles they call staff,they're pretty useless honestly.

Everyone froze as she walks in the cafeteria,Y/n rolls her eyes as she walks up to the counter.

She taps her fingers on the counter as she felt everyone looking at her,while whispering to themselves.

Sighing she picked up her cup of coffee deciding to visit her mom's office.

"Stop staring at me,I know I'm irresistable,but all of you don't need to make it obvious"Y/n spoke up making everyone froze and look away

She climb in the elevator making the two girls inside froze before they continued to start talking.

"Do you know that the agent who ran away two months ago came back with the handler today?"one of the girls whispered to her friend

Y/n froze,Five's back?.After two months?,why didn't Lila tell her this?.How long is it for Five since he left?.

"Five Hargreeves?,didn't he left his partner?"the other girl asked

"Yeah,its Y/n L/n"

Y/n turns around glaring at the two girls,"well for your information,I'm Y/n L/n"Y/n smiles sweetly at them as the color of their faces drained

"So I suggest shutting your mouth before I slit your throat okay?"Y/n asks making them nod in fear

Y/n then nodded as the elevator door opened and she walks out calmy until she reached a wall and she heard the elevator door closed.

Leaning on the wall she breathes in.

Five's back.

Is that why they're staring at her?

She felt lightheaded as she feels a bile on her throat.she looks up trying to calm down herself on the empty hallway as she feel like passing out when the lunch bell rang making her hide from the staff.

She looks down as they pass by.

She was about to walk out behind the wall when she hear a single pair of foosteps that made her hide again.

She waited for another minute before immediately running towards the bathroom to throw up.

At the same time,Five looks around as he took a folder on Dot's table.

Peaking inside a bathroom,he went straighth to a cubicle when he sees it empty.

He opened the folder to only shut it close when he heard someone open the bathroom door and he hears the person throwing up in the sink.

Suddenly the door slams open again and he hears a clanking of heels on the floor.

"Oh darling,throwing up again?"The handler asked Y/n as she enter the bathroom.

Y/n nodded as she opens the faucet to let the petals,blood and bile go down the sink.

Y/n?,Five froze.

"So how's your first day Five?"the handler asked as she enters a cubicle

Five?,Y/n froze.

Feeling overwhelmed that he's in the same room as her,Y/n walks out of the bathroom towards her mom's office.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do now?"Y/n breathes out in frustration as she ran her hand through her face and hair.


Y/n hides behind a counter a she hears her mother tried to shot Five.

"Goddang it Five,what the hell did you do now?"Y/n pants as she morphs to her 13 years old self before she ran towards the briefcase room where she took one and threw a grenade at the room as she rans away making the briefcases explode except the one she's holding.

At the same time Five rans up the corner to only see the briefcase room on fire.

"Shit"he mutters under his breath as his eyes widened when someone pulled him to a hallway.

"Y/n?"Five breathes out in awe as he watches Y/n pull him while she looks around.

"Its been 6 days since I last saw you,"Five spoke up

"Its been a lot longer than that"Y/n hissed

"Wait where are we going?"Five asked as Y/n continued to pull him away

"You'll come with me,I can save you"Y/n explained

"I can't—I have an apocalypse to stop and a family to save!"Five said abruptly stopping making Y/n close her eyes as she sighs frustratedly

"You're an asshole"Y/n says as Five laughs lightly

"Come with me Y/n,"Five spoke softly,taking her hand on his.Smiling when he saw the ring that sat on her fingers

"I can't betray my mother"Y/n looks down

"She's just using you for your powers!Please!"Five pleads

"Well she didn't leave me did she?"Y/n hissed taking her hand from Five

Five flinched at what she said."I'm sorry okay?The future is on our hands"Five mutters

"Well I'm sorry too.Here Five,"Y/n hands Five the briefcase

"I'll come back for you,I promise"Five says making Y/n smile sadly and shook her head no.

She wraps her arms around Five's shoulders as she tried to held back her tears.

"Tu me manques"Y/n whispered to Five as she felt her heart filled with warmth,a feeling she never knew until she met Five.
(You're missing from me[I miss you])

"I missed you too"Five whispered back as he wraps his arms around her

Their sweet time was then cut off when they heard a blaring sound and flashes of red light appears.

"Go Five,"Y/n pulled away from Five's touch.

"Y/n I can't thank you enough—"

"Just go Five!"Y/n angrily yelled,frustrated.

She doesn't want them to catch Five.

Five then nodded before opening the briefcase.

And he was gone.


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