015:"La vie est belle"

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015:"La vie est belle"

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Song suggestion:Ignite by Alan Walker

Third Person's P.O.V.:

"Lila please let me go!"Y/n cried out as men started to drag her inside a white room with a white chair in the middle with a black tinted window in front of it.

"I'm sorry Y/n,"Lila looks down avoiding her sister's eyes that seem to stare into her soul.

"Strap her in"a doctor ordered as they strap Y/n on the chair as she continued to trash around screaming for help,trying to escape.

"Please no—"Y/n screamed when she felt something prick her in the arm.

Looking down she saw a syringe as her surroundings started to get blurry again as her body started to feel heavy,she tried so hard to open her eyes,but to no avail,it started to close.

"Plug it in"

>>>Time Travel<<<

"I'll give you a briefcase,but you need to help me"Herb stated as he motioned for Diego to follow him.

"What is it?"Diego's hero complex started to kick in as he follows Herb inside a dark room full of computers.

"You need to help me escape agent Y/n"Herb answered as he click a button and the black tinted glass started to get clear and they got a view of Y/n laying in a 'dentistry' chair with a oxygen mask and wires plastered on her temples.

"What's wrong with her?,she was just fine the other day"Diego whispered as he observed the girl his brother introduced to them the other day.

"She's not okay for months,a rumor around the commission have been going around for months that flowers,roses in particular,started growing in her lungs and if she refuses to surgically remove it,it will continue to grow until a thorn hits her heart that will eventually kill her."Herb explained as he type in a few things in the computer,like he's trying to figure out something.

"Then why don't they just remove it?"Diego asks in confusion

"You don't get it.The flower grew because of unrequited love and she refuses to remove it,because if she does,she wouldn't be able to love him anymore!"Herb added as he started to get more frustrated with the computer.

"Who is this 'him'?"Diego asks as Herb just looks at him knowingly while raising his eyebrows.

"Is it...Five?"Diego asks softly and Herb's deep sigh is enough to confirm it to him.

"Does Five know about this?"Diego asks and Herb shook his head no.

"What are you doing?"Diego asks as he started to notice what is Herb's doing.

"They connected a machine in her head that would create an illusion,in hopes that it would help her with her disease"Herb stated

"How's her condition anyway?"Diego asks as Herb stands up,pulling down a metal from the wall as it reveals a television.

Herb opens the television to reveal a scan of Y/n's lung and they both watch in awee as her lungs is filled with roses and Diego looks sadly as he watches it grow slowly near her heart.

"A day Diego,she have a day left and without this machine she's be already dead"Herb explains as he started to reminisce his friendship with the girl.

"Then she should stay here!"Diego spoke up looking at Herb who shook his head,knowing that is not what Y/n would've wanted.

"She wouldn't want that,she would want to see Five one last time!"Herb reasoned

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