009:"quoi de neuf?"

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009:"quoi de neuf?"

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Song Suggestion:This Feeling by Chainsmokers

Third Person's P.O.V.:

Y/n sat on her office as she drops her pen and sat back,sighing.

Running her hand through her hair she stare at the picture of her and Five that sat on her table beside the picture of her and Lila.

She was about to let herself have her daily breakdown when the door abruptly opens making her sat up straight.

"I never really trusted Five anyway,"The handler sat down infront of Y/n's table.

The handler then looks around as she saw a wall covered with pictures of her,Lila and Y/n or Lila and Y/n,then she frowned when she saw pictures of Y/n and Five.

"I never really know why you love that bastard"The handler laughed smiling at Y/n

"I don't know why either"Y/n sighs sitting back before turning her swivel chair around to face the window with the beautiful view infront of her.

"You helped him escape didn't you?"The handler asked making Y/n's eyes widened

"What?,of course not!"Y/n exclaimed

"Darling you're an excellent liar to others,but you know you can't lie to me"the handler spoke up

"I'm sorry mother,"Y/n softly spoke

"Oh darling,love can only do two things...Make you strong...or tear you apart.I hope you can see what he's doing to you"The handler explained making Y/n sigh

"I'm well aware mother,"Y/n spoke softly

"May I ask why you're here?"Y/n asks

"I must say darling,you forgot your doctors appointment today"The handler announces making Y/n's eyes widen as she turns the chair around to check on her schedule.

"Shit!"Y/n yelled as she stands up,taking her blazer with her

"Bye mother,"Y/n kissed her mother on the cheek as she ran out of her office.

The handler then smiled as Y/n's door shut closed.

Standing up,the handler started opening different cabinets,trying to find something.

"C'mon,Y/n must have an idea where is Five"

>>>Time Travel<<<

"So do you still throw up often?"The doctor asked as Y/n sat up nodding

"You know,you got to stop making it sound like I'm pregnant.People's been talking"Y/n explained making the doctor laughed

"Oh Y/n,since when did you care about people's opinion?"the woman asked

Y/n shrugged as she puts on her shoes.

A knock on the door cut them off as it opens and revealed the handler.

"Hi mom,"Y/n greets her as the handler smiled

"Hi darling,so how is she?"The handler asked the doctor

"She's not okay,I still insist to take the flower out"the woman said looking at Y/n who just smiled at her

"Well Y/n is very stubborn,lets go darling?"The handler asked and Y/n nodded

"Where to mother?"Y/n asks

"To your beloved Five"The handler smiled as she walks out of the door

Y/n's heart fluttered at the mention of his name,but worry filled her mind on why they would meet him.

Y/n walks up to the door when the doctor spoke up.

"I hope you know what you're doing Y/n/n...A month"The woman spoke softly as Y/n did nothing but open the door and followed her mother.

>>>Time Travel<<<

Y/n rolls her eyes at the woman who was tied up in a chair as the woman continued to scream.

Her muffled scream and yell makes Y/n want to tear her ears off her head.

"Can't we shut her up?"Y/n asks pointing at the woman but the handler laughed

"Darling,that's for Hazel"The handler smiled

Y/n sighed as she stands up to find something to eat in the kitchen.

She came back after she heard a zap,knowing the sound to well.

"Five,"she softly called out making Five look at her.

"Y/n,"Five nodded at her,but deep inside he just wanted to run to her and wrap his arms around her.

"Are you coming back?..."Y/n asked but Five shook his head

"I'm...leaving"Five softly said,ashamed

"Quoi de neuf?"Y/n scoffed
(What's new?)

"Y/n—"but Y/n ran away to the bathroom,feeling the bile up her throat

"My poor daughter..."The handler spoke

"You were distracting me from my siblings!"Five comes to realization as the handler smiled.

Five glares at her for one last time before he spatial jump away.

>>>Time Travel<<<

"Uh guys...Can you see that moon coming our way?"Klaus asked as he pointed at the moon

The siblings looked at it and sighed.

Five felt his heart broke to see the moon Y/n loved the most explode into pieces.


Y/n and Five sat at the rooftop like everynight after their missions,with a cup of either coffee or alcohol,sometimes both.

"The moon is beautiful tonight isn't it?"Y/n asks Five which he nodded to

"I guess so"

"I hope you'd say it back"Y/n whispered to herself

~~~End of Flashback~~~

"This doesn't need to be the end"Five spoke up

There is no way he will die here.

There is now way he will die without going back to her.

He promised.

And he wants to fulfill it so bad.

So with a another mission and will to live.

He took another leap of fate.

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