018:"Je t'aime"

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018:"Je t'aime"

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Third Person's P.O.V.:

"How is she?"Lila asks as a doctor comes out of the room.

"We're waiting for the anesthesia to work,that would take 30-60 minutes"The doctor spoke as they all nodded

"Can I see her?"Five asks as the doctor sighed before nodding.

Five then opens the door and closes it behind him as he enters her room while the others are left outside.

"Hey"Five greeted Y/n even though she can't probably hear her.

He walks towards her as he sat beside her bed,feeling helpless that he can't do anything,but wait for her to be okay.

"I'm sorry,"Five whispered as he took her left hand on his.

"You probably can't hear me,but can you stay for me?,I know that I left you,but I'm back...I won't leave anymore,I want to fulfill my promise,I'm coming back and maybe I can take you with me,lets get out of here.If you want,you can bring your sister...Just wake up"Five explains as he leans his forehead on his hands holding hers.

"I-,I love you Y/n"Five whispered

"I...I know its not obvious,but I'm just scared that you don't feel the same"Five mutters

"So can you wake up and so I can tell it to you?"Five asks,but she didn't woke up,he didn't expect her to,the anesthesia must be working.

"Je t'aime"he whispered(I love you)

He then sighs as he stands up,kissing her forehead before he left the room.

And without his knowledge,the flowers seem to retract,as it slowly disappears into thin air,like it never exist,because all of this time,maybe it was never a one sided love,maybe his heart was already hers before he know it.

>>>Time Travel<<<

"Are you staying here?"Diego asks Lila as they watch Five enter Y/n's room.

Lila nodded as she crosses her arms,"We don't have anywhere to go,but here"she mutters

"You can stay with us"Vanya spoke up as he can see that she and Y/n is important for her brother's.

"But I tried to kill you!"Lila reasons but they all smiled at her.

"We know we didn't start at a good term,but maybe we can do it again?"Allison explains

"Hi I'm Klaus,"Klaus offers his hand to Lila who reluctantly took it

"I'm Lila"

"Hi Lila,I'm Diego"Diego offers his hand to her and she smiled taking it.

"Look like an asshole to me,"Lila jokingly said as the others laughed.

>>>Time Travel<<<

Everybody stands up as the doctor came out of the operating room followed by the other doctors.

"Is she okay?"Lila asks as Herb arrives

"She is"The doctor nodded as they all sigh in relief

"You took the flowers out?"Herb asks panicked,knowing that Y/n will kill him if he let the do that.

"Flowers?"Everyone asked in unison except Lila and Diego.

"There are no flowers,just the ice around her heart"the doctor informed them as Lila,Diego and Herb looked at eachother in confusion before looking at Five.

"What?"Five asks as they noticed their eyes looking at him.

"You bastard"Diego laughs as he hugs his brother who looks confused as hell while he pushes Diego away.

"I knew it!,you like Y/n!"Herb exclaims as he high fived Diego as Five blushed thinking they heard him earlier as he adjusts his tie while clearing his throat.

"Mi hermano and french girl?ship it!"Klaus exclaims

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