Im Sorry

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*BEFORE READING CLICK SONG LINK ON THE SIDE*!! (chris brown dont judge me)

I fastly turned my head, seeing what caused the loud noise in the cafeteria, getting a little glance of Jacob's body as he took off.

"No".I mumbled under my breath as my heart began to pound through my chest, hearing laughs near me.

"BAHAHAHA THE IMMIGRANT IS MAD NOW!" Ray yelled as he chuckled non stop, his hand banging on the table.

I immediately grew angry as my fists bawled up, "I fu'ckin hate you".I spoke in a harsh tone as my teeth gritted together, my eyes locked on the pig tailed ni'gga.

Ray then shrugged his shoulders as he began to calm down, "I dont like you either Bi'cth, I was just actin, so I could get back at Jake, and apparently it worked."

Ray smirked as he brung his hand towards Chres and Craig, givin them both high fives.

My temper rised more as my fists tightened in my grip, an Idea poppin in my head, "Oh, Ray".I mumbled under my breath in a soft tone, Ray then turned his head, archin his left eye brow up.

"Yup, ho'e".

And with those last words he said, I quickly brung my arm back and clocked him right then and there, gasp's filling the air as Rays head immediately jerked back from my hit.

"YOU FU'CKIN BI'C'TH"! Ray screamed as he brung his hand on top of his gushing nose,  quickly I brung my face to Ray's head so we were inches apart.

"I may be a bi'c'th, but Im Jacobs bi'c'th, cu'nt".I smirked as I brung my lips to Ray's cheek, peckin his skin, then quickly headin away from his lunch table, rushing out the cafeteria.

I standed still in the hall way, sighing deeply as I ran my fingers through my hair, my mind on Jake. "I wonder where he went".I mumbled under my breath as my lips quiver, a sudden idea running across my mind.

My hands began to shake rapidly fasts as I pulled my phone out my pocket, quickly dialin Papi's number.

"Pleaseeeeee pick up, pleaseeeeeeeeee".


My heart pounding through my chest, as memories of my whole life began to flash through my mind, mostly of my mother and Erica, the good times......

My body stood still in Erica's bed room, my eyes locked on the sharp object that was in the grip of my hands.

"This is it".I spoke in a whisper as I looked at the reflection of my self from the silver knife.

I then slowly took a deep breath, bringing the weapon to the middle of my stomach, ready to drill but the sudden sound of Frank Ocean's voice stopped me.

"Iv'e been, thinkin bout you, oooh no, no, no".

A sigh escaping my mouth as my chest began to heave fastly.

My hands shook as I brung one of them to my pocket takin out my phone, seeing the letter's F.R (hehehe;). 

Tears began to form in my eyes as I gulped deeply, my mind thinkin if I should answer or not.

I hesitated, but I gave in, quickly pushing the green button on the screen of my phone as I brung it to my ear.

"Hello".I spoke in a croaky voice as I tryed to get the big knot that was blockin me from my words."Jacob".Erica said in a soft tone as I herd her sigh from relief, tears beginning to fall from my eyes as I began to think about her."E-e-erica Im done".I stuttered to her in a whisper as I closed my eyes, my teeth sinkin into my bottom lip.

"What?"Erica spoke in confusion as my heart began to beat fast in my chest,I then slowly took a deep breath as my words poured out my mouth. "Chica I love  you with all my heart but Im juss sick of gettin hurt, sick of feelin pain, knowin no one loves me".I frowned as I opened my eyes, my salty tears dripping down my skin.

Hearing Erica huff on the other side of the line, "J-jake I do love you, what are you sayin?"She spoke in fear as her voice rised a little

I then gulped deeply as I brung the weapon back to the place I had it before I was interrupted, "Im sayin Chica, that Im done with this life, I cant breath another second on this earth knowin that I cant call you my girl, knowing that I'll probably never be loved".

The knot in my throat began to grow bigger and bigger as more tears fell down my face, "I need to be with my mom".

And with those last words being said, I penetrated the knife deeply in my body, screams filling the air.

"AAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I fell to the ground, my phone out of my hand, my eyes beginning to blink fastly as I felt liquid being released out of me.

My breaths began to grow fast as I felt sharp pain, "Lord forgive me".I mumbled as my heart rate began to slow down, my body beginning to feel weak and numb, my eyes clothed.

Im sorry.

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