Chapter 19

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At Malhotra Mansion, Sydney...

M:Congratulations Mrs.Malhotra... We are pregnant...

Nandini almost jump on Manik taking him into a bone crushing hug & crying her heart out...

M: shhh.. Nandini... Stop crying baba... This is our moment.. We should celebrate are going to be a mom in few months & here you are crying like a baby ..

Hearing this a cute smile come in Nandini's face...

M: now.. That's like my girl.. So soon to be mamma..tell me where you want to go for celebrate your happiness.. (bowing dramatically in front of Nandini) Your wish is my command ma'am...

N: wherever my Manik wants to take me...

Manik smile hearing her answer...

N(thinking something) : btw Manik how do you know about my pregnancy report? I mean " Health Care Pathology Center " were supposed to delivery the report to our address na? & they still didn't send it..

Hearing her Manik went in to the flash back zone...

Flash back

Manik is sitting in his office thinking about how much happy Nandini will be if the pregnancy report come positive...

M(in mind) : she will be mad in happiness... But I know being my fireflies instead of smiling she will cry in happiness... The one of her kind... God I just want to gather her in my arms.. But wait...What if the report come negative... She will be shattered... Pls God don't let anything go wrong... Wait what if the pathology center send the report to home & she read it & found............. Shittt.. She will be alone at home.. What if something... No she will be alright... Shitt.. How fool of me... I have to get the report before it reach to Nandini...

Thinking all this Manik left the office informing Mr.Singh to see the further work... A sudden gush of fear appear in his heart.. He started to feel heavy in his heart.. He just rub above his heart with one hand where holding the stearing with another hand... He felt his hands become sweaty... after reaching the pathology center Manik took a deep breath to gather his courage & enter...

He come to the counter & asked the receptionist...

M: Excuse me..

Rec: Hello sir.. How can i help you..

M: hii.. I'm Manik Malhotra.. My wife Nandini Manik Malhotra's pregnancy test report delivery date was today.. So has it already delivered? Can you please check once?

Rec: sure sir.. Wait a min..

Then the receptionist check the list in her laptop & said..

Rec: No sir.. Sorry's not delivered yet but we will delivered it in a hour only..

Manik took a breathe of relief.. Only he knows what kind of thoughts was hitting on his mind... His heart was beating in jet speed out of unknown fears...

M: it's ok miss.. No problem.. Umm can I take the report by myself?

Rec: ya.. Sure sir.. Go straight.. to the xyz counter & get it...

Then Manik got the report & open it with shivering hands.. But the moment he saw the report is positive he was in cloud 9... He hug an unknown man who was passing by him out of happiness... At that moment he wanted to saw nandini.. Wanted to embrace her in his arms.. But wait.. He had to make this announcement most unique & out of the box....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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