sibling bond

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Please play the song above once you get to the part where I'll indicate, for added effect. Or if you have the song on your phone, that works too. Even if you aren't a BTS or k-pop fan, the song really goes well with this chapter and you'll definitely feel the effects even if you don't know what they're singing, lol. Or if you wanna read it like that, works too.
P.s- you can play it at the beginning though, works too.

Warning ⚠️: Emotional breakdown

One of the things Moyin hated the most in the world was English dubbed anime. She hated them so much. Like why watch a Japanese animation when they wouldn't even be speaking Japanese? She really didn't see the point. I mean that's what subtitles are for. Next to that, going on an errand at night had to be what she hated second.
Which is why she felt like eradicating her brother from the surface of the earth at that moment.

The idiot finished her life stock of cheese balls and he didn't replace it. Okay, life stock was an exaggeration but still!  She didn't even realize until tonight. She was about to just chill and catch up on her kdrama list. Take a break from school related stuffs. Because she was sure she'll have an aneurysm if she continues. Or her brain might just fry.

Unfortunately for her, that week was her errand week. Which meant she had to go out to get her cheeseballs herself. Although Moyo was the one paying. They play rock-paper-scissors, every start of the week to choose who'll run errands that week. She lost this time so here she was, walking to the nearest shop at 9pm, to get cheeseballs, because she can't watch anything without her snacks. That's just a law. She's sure every normal person has that law too. She thinks...

Finally, she got her soul snack. She had to add chocolates of course, like pfft! That's normal to get whenever you go to a store.

She heard someone call out to her, a male voice. And just like that, she took off like she was one of the Seven deadly sins being hunted down. Of course she did the Naruto run. Like, come on! That's the essential part.

Somewhere in her mind, she felt she knew the voice but she couldn't care right now. No way! She's not about to die before completing all her anime list. BE GONE THOT!!!!

She only stopped running when she got into her brother's room. She's sure she heard her mother ask her what was chasing her when she passed the living room but she couldn't bother to stop.
Her brother jolted from the bed when she suddenly opened his door and slammed it hard.

"JESUS CHRIST! MOYO I ALMOST DIED!! THE WORLD ALMOST LOST ME!! MY BEAUTIFUL SELF ALMOST BECAME NON-EXISTENT!!" She screamed, placing her hands on her knees while trying to catch her breath.

"Ehhn??" Moyo looked at her confused. He swore his sister sometimes needed a brain check. Scratch that. She needed a brain check all the time.

"I said I almost died! You almost became sisterless, twinless and siblingless!" She said to him, going to seat on his bed.

"Why didn't you die though? At least I wouldn't have had anyone disturb my sleep." He said, lying back down and covering his head with his blanket. His sister always comes into his room at the wrong time.

"Hey! Is that what to say to your awesome sister?" She dragged the covers from his head but stopped once she saw his face. Immediately, she became concerned.

(Play the song now!!!!!!! RN! Right here. *cue tears*)

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