Rumors! or rumors?

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"I'm not your friend or anything damn.... Stop! What the hell are you talking about? Get my pretty name out of your mouth. We are not the same with or without. Don't talk!"
-Therefore I am (Billie Eilish)

3rd person POV

The short break was finally over and the students are back to school now.

Moyin believed there was no one who was as sad as her.

"I wish we'd have like 3 more weeks. Why can't that be possible???" Moyin whined to Luca through the phone.

She had been on the line with her best friend for almost 2 hours now, and both of them could not seem to end the call. Each time they were about to go off, a new topic arose.

"Moyin, you know it's better everything goes fast. I for one, want to be done with secondary school already." Luca said over the phone. Moyin hated that he was right. She also wanted to get everything over with soon.

"How are you though? Good? Anything I need to know?" Moyin asked. When she picked him up the other day, he seemed fine but he had been unusual throughout their phone call. It was also obvious that he trying hard to not let her notice.

"I'm good. There's nothing you need to know. Not really..." Luca trailed off. Moyin could practically hear his lie through the phone.

"Luke." Moyin said sternly.

Luca sighed over the phone, knowing there was no way he could get out of this.

"I'll tell you after school tomorrow. Please?" He pleaded. It was not that he could not tell Moyin, he just had not really processed what happened yet. He needed to get his thoughts together before he could talk about it. Also, there was the fact that Moyin would definitely freak out and someone might end up in the hospital. He was not ready to be a witness to a near murder incident.

"I really want to press it, I really do." Moyin told him, "But I'll wait. You know I love you right."

Luca rolled his eyes even though he knew she could not see him.
"Yes I know. I love me too." He answered just to annoy her. Moyin was the only person he could talk so freely to. He still did not talk as much as an average person would her but she never complained. She did all the talking for both of them anyway.

"Hey! Is this how you treat your best friend?"

"Apparently, Yes. So goodnight." Luca answered and ended the call just to annoy her further.

She stared at her phone. The nerve of this bitch. He's lucky I love him.

Monday came too quickly. The students were back to school. It was a few minutes before the morning assembly, and the students were trying to catch up with their friends.

"You look like dog vomit." Deji said to Moyin bluntly.

"Wow! Thanks for the love fam. I love you too." She replied sarcastically. The thing was, she may or may not have spent the whole night watching Banana fish and falling in love with a character named Ash. She also wanted to have a polyamorous relationship with Ash and Eiji together, but that was not the point. Yeah pretty normal.

"She was up watching some anime without me." Moyo said before she could talk, looking at her pointedly.

She could swear her brother became a child whenever she watched something without him. She blamed it to it being hard not to love her. She was just too awesome.

"Stop being a baby. I only watched like 10 episodes. I promise we'll catch up together." She tried to placate her brother, for the gizzilionth time. She had been apologizing to him since he walked into her room to wake her up but saw her watching anime.

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