Chapter Eleven

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Sheesh.... It's difficult to enjoy my breakfast when the mood's so tense. I have a feeling I can't blame this on morning grumpiness either.

Did I do something wrong?

"Hey guys, why don't you two try to smile? If you keep scowling like that you'll end up with wrinkles." I stated, trying to lighten the mood.

While Shuichi's expression lessened somewhat, Kokichi's expression completely switched.

"Of course; it only makes sense my loyal subjects would care for my well-being. Although I suppose you're not some lowly subject..."

As Kokichi's voice trailed off, he grabbed my hands.

"You're my queen."

Ah...! What does he think he's doing?


Does he really think he can try to pull this bullshit on me? Right in front of me?

"Kokichi, you shouldn't be so rough with her." I stated, pulling his hands off of her and pushing his body back, "Can't you see how embarrassed and uncomfortable you're making her?"

If I could, he'd be dead on the floor with multiple shots in the head. Unfortunately, life isn't so kind...


"I think I'm going to head back to my room..."

Without looking up at either of the boys, I stood up and exited the cafeteria.

I'll need to thank Shuichi later, but for now I need to be alone.

It's not that I'm particularly mad at Kokichi or anything; it's just that he startled me. And when the two of them had been so negative, it was even more of a shock for me.

As I was trying to head back to my dorm room, I ended up bumping into Kaede.


"Oh, Kaede. I wanted to talk to you actually." I stated, making sure she wasn't hurt or busy before continuing, "I wanted to apologize for being so rash and harsh last night. I don't do well with spicy food, and after you were late and all..."

Kaede shook her head softly, smiling.

"It's alright. Kokichi's the one with the purple hair, right?"

I nodded.

"What about Kokichi? Did he try to recruit you to his 'evil organization'?"

"Nothing like that; he had started asking question after question about pianos when I was on my way to your room. It's not like I wanted to be late, but when it comes to the piano I can't seem to refuse an honest question."

Huh.... Interesting.

"Like I stated; I overreacted. If you want, we can go watch that show now?"

Kaede's eyes lit up at such an offer.

"Really?! I'd love to!"

And with that, Kaede helped lead me to my room. My sense of direction was as horrible as always, so we both decided it should be Kaede to lead the way.


"What were you thinking with that move?"

I frowned, my fingernails clawing at my palms.

"Did you really think I'd let you make such an advance; in front of me no less?"

I ignored Shuichi's questions, using my fork to play with my eggs.

"Shuichi, I'm not stupid. I know that play wouldn't work on you."

I sighed as I stood up, grabbing my tray while using my side to push in my chair.

"Did you really think I did that with the intention of it working...? What if I told you I needed a reason to actually talk to you alone?"

Shuichi certainly didn't seem to expect such a response, following me to dispose of his own tray.

"If you think I'm backing off-"

I chuckled softly, shaking my head softly.

"I think it's fair we feel the same about (Name); and how we're not backing off. That doesn't mean we shouldn't corroborate with certain tasks."

The two of us had disposed of our trays, and were exiting the building.

"And why would I want to help you?"

Opening my phone, I showed the pulled up document to Shuichi.

"Because we both get rid of a rival with this plan. You're a tricky one Shuichi, but I have a feeling she won't be too much of a plan."

For the first time since (Name) had left, Shuichi smiled. An evil one, matching the one currently on my own face.

"I'm in."

I know, I know. It's been forever. Author-chan is bad. As you probably noticed, my writing style has changed. I hope that doesn't change your interest in the story. I had a rough past few years, but I hope to update more frequently now. Thanks for being so patient! =^-^=

My Insane Love Story (Yandere!Shuichi X Reader X Yandere!Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now