Chapter Eighteen

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Did I just hear him correctly? Did Shuichi just say that he loved me...?

"I-I'm sorry if I just made you uncomfortable. I know this isn't the best place to confess; I just felt like I had to tell you how I felt."

Shuichi's blush had only increased, but he didn't take his eyes off me. This didn't help with my own blush that had made itself known.

"If you want, we can just head back to the dorms... I should be able to find the way for us easily."

It was clear Shuichi was taking my silence as a rejection, and was trying to remedy the situation to the best of his ability. I felt bad for him, but I honestly didn't know how to react.

"T-Thanks... I just need some time to think about what you told me. I'm sorry, but I'm not ready to give an answer yet; I want to make sure I've thought this through and not rush to a conclusion..."

I felt bad for saying this, but it was the complete truth. Saying something without thinking it through would only cause issues for the future.

Shuichi nodded softly, seeming to understand my situation.

"It's alright. I don't blame you for feeling that way. Come on, I'll make sure you get back to the dorms without getting lost."

Shuichi gently took my hand in his, and began to lead me through the crowd of people in the zoo. While others might have taken this as being too forward, Shuichi and I both knew how easily I got lost; so for me this was to ensure I didn't get lost.

Still, I'm going to have to think about what Shuichi told me. He told me he loved me, and based on that I'm sure he'd want to pursue a relationship with me.

The question is if I want to do that, and if I'm ready to pursue a relationship with him.


If I'm being honest, a part of me was heartbroken that she didn't accept my confession with reciprocation right then and there. We both love each other, so why is she hesitating?

Still, (Name)'s everything to me, so if she needs a while to tell me that she accepts my confession, so be it. I mean, who else could she possibly be interested in? Kokichi's not worthy of someone as amazing as (Name), so I don't see why he keeps trying.

He's only investing time for his heartbreak in the end, so why does he bother? (Name) and I are meant to be, so he should back away now, before I have to become violent.


Sheesh, Shuichi found a pretty impressive hiding spot for (Name). I had hoped some men on patrol would've been able to find her, but I ended up needing to hack her phone's location to find her. It seems like he had thought the zoo would be a good hiding spot, which I have to admit is pretty clever.

Still, the two seem to be heading back to the dorms now, so I should show up. It's been too long since I've seen my queen, and I need to stop Shuichi from holding (Name)'s hand. And yet, I can't help but wonder what happened while they were in the zoo. Both of them seem a bit shyer than usual, and perhaps even embarrassed as well.

"(Name)-chan, there you are!" I shouted, running up to them.

Using the momentum I had built up, I jumped towards (Name) to give her a hug, pushing her back softly. I wasn't rough enough to actually hurt her, but it did remove her hand from Shuichi's.

"Oh, hey Kokichi. It seems like you finally found me." (Name) stated, chuckling softly.

I pouted, pulling away and taking her hands in mine. I ignored any glares Shuichi was most likely giving me as I responded.

"Of course I found you, silly (Name). I'd search the ends of the earth to be with you. I do love you after all!"

(Name)'s expression seemed to go into one of shock, her face heating up with an adorable blush. She's just the cutest!

"You too...? This isn't a revenge prank, right?"

'You too'....? You too!?

Shuichi already confessed?! That sly bastard!

"Why would I lie about something so important? Even evil supreme leaders like me have people they care about. Although..."

I give Shuichi a side glance.

"It is perfectly possible that Shuichi was pulling a prank for revenge for the school shower prank we pulled earlier."


Did he really just say that? First he confesses to her in front of me, then says that garbage?

"(Name), I assure you that I'm not pulling any prank on you!"

I take one of (Name)'s hands from Kokichi. Now each of us had one of her hands.

"I truly do love you."

"But I love you more!" Kokichi whined.

I couldn't help but glare at him. Seriously, does he honestly believe she'd choose him over me; the person she actually loves?


I honestly can't believe this. This feels so unreal, I'm at a loss of words. I simply don't know how to respond. I don't believe either one of them is lying, but we've been a close-knit group of friends for so long.

Clearly if I choose one over the other it would create a rift in the friendship we three have established. Still, it wouldn't be fair for me to not answer them.

"I believe both of you..."

Even though my voice was quiet, it got the now-bickering boys to stop and look at me. They both seemed relieved that I believed them, but still seemed uneasy without receiving a response.

"I'm sorry, but I really do need some time to think this over. I don't intend to leave you two without an answer for too long, but I want to think things over. I also think I should head back to the dorms by myself. I'll call Kirumi if I get lost, so don't worry about me."

Pulling my hands away from both boys, I found myself speed-walking away from the both of them before either one could respond. It wasn't that I wanted to avoid them, but I just didn't feel right spending time with them when I didn't have an answer yet.


"So, not only did you take her to the zoo, but you confessed while there?"

I simply smiled softly, ignoring Kokichi's glaring. I honestly didn't care about what he had to say. I was too focused on the fact that even though my (Name) left us, she left while wearing my hat.

Normally I'm not comfortable in public without wearing my hat, but I'm more than willing to make the exception for my darling (Name).

"Hey, you listening to me? What's with your dumbstruck look for?"

Sending a quick glare towards Kokichi, I didn't respond as I began to walk away. I didn't need to talk with him; he was a waste of time in this state. Besides, I need to plan for if (Name) accidentally chooses Kokichi over me.

Not like she'd actually do that though; she's smart enough to know we're meant to be.


I can't say I'm happy with how things went, but I can't change them either. Besides, I always liked a challenge. Shuichi actually thinks he has a chance, not realizing he lost the moment he started playing the game.

(Name) is mine, and it doesn't matter who tries to get in our way. Even if it's (Name) herself, I'll make sure she'll come to her senses in the end.

It's for our happy end that I'm working towards.

My Insane Love Story (Yandere!Shuichi X Reader X Yandere!Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now