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A lot of people at school were talking about us for a few weeks when they found out that we're dating. Some junior high girls approached me every now and then whenever I'm alone. They kept on bothering me telling me to break up with Chanyeol. I might do it if I didn't remember how hard and long it was just for me to realize my feelings for him and come to a decision to accept his love. Besides, they're just juniors and instead of cowering like I might did then, I just stood up for myself and reminded them that I'm their sunbae - meanining I can make sure they spend the rest of their year at school a living hell if they didn't leave me alone (which I actually won't do and not capable of doing). But they did finally stop bugging me, and the talks about us finally died down.

Author's POV
"You should reconcile with Hara," Haewon says lazily as she lies on his bed on her stomach placing her chin on one folded arm while her other hand plays with the hair of the giant elf who is sitting on the floor playing his guitar with his back leaning on the side of the bed. "Her Dad is after all your sponsor slash guardian. He's like your parent, so she should be like a sister to you."

"I know. I've tried so many times," he sighs. "But you know how hard headed she is."

"Right," she rolls her eyes. "But now she's studying extra hard to beat me because of you." She pouts.

"Eh? Are you regretting your decision to be my girlfriend?" He turns his head to her and pouts.

"No, silly." She pushes his cheek with her index finger turning his face away from her. "It's just that I feel like she just pushed the competitive button inside of me," she chuckles.

"So you don't regret being my girlfriend, right?" He asks again.

"Of course not!" He smiles widely at her answer. They have been dating for months, and not a single feeling of regret is harbored in Haewon's heart. Sure they bicker every now and then like they used to, but she never regrets her decision to let go of her past and spend the present -and possibly her future too- with Chanyeol.

"By the way," his fingers stop strumming the strings as he turns to look at her.

"Hmm?" She raises her eyebrows and her hand stops playing with his hair.

"Shouldn't we make pet names for each other?"

"Why should we? It's not like there's a rule that says a couple must do so."

"Yeah... But it will be cute though. Hmmm...what should I call you?" He taps his chin with his finger. "Should I call you money?"

"Money?" Her brows knitted together in confusion.

"Because you're name is Haewon and Won is our currency, and 'money' sounds like 'honey'." He laughs loudly by himself.

"HA. HA." She says uninterestedly. "VERY funny, Mr. Park!" She rolls her eyes at her boyfriend's lame joke.

"Okay okay," his laughter slowly subsides, "hmm...what should I call you then?" He looks up at the ceiling as if an answer is written on it. "Aha!" He snaps his finger and his countenance turns brighter than it already is. "I'll call you 'love'!"

"What?!" Her eyes widen and she then laughs.

"So whenever I meet you I will say, 'Hi, love!'," he acts trying to make his voice sounds deeper than it already is while locking his eyes with hers. "'Wanna go out with me, love?'" He raises his eyebrows twice, and takes one of her hands before kissing the back of it. Haewon laughs, but she then scrunches her nose at the cheesiness of Chanyeol's action. Sure it sounds attractive, especially with that deep voice of his, but it also sounds so greasy.

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