Sweetly Strummed Strings

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-the next week-

Being in the first year of high school is exciting but not easy. Higher grade means heavier load of work. A hectic week at school makes me long for Saturday even more. And when Saturday finally comes, the park is the first thing that comes to my mind when I wake up.

"Are you going there again?" my mom asked.

"Of course, Mom! It's Saturday! Bye!"

"Okay then. But don't forget to come home early. We have a guest today."

A guest?
Surprised at the mentioned of a guest I stopped at the door and asked, "Who's the guest?"

"Just someone. I'm sure you will like him. You'll know later!" my mom answered while smiling widely and giggling afterwards.

"O - okay. Bye, Mom!" I shrug.

Him? Could it be Eus- ah it can't be! It's not him, right? Ah whatever!
I thought as i walk out.

My mind shakes it off, but my heart wishes it.

<play the youtube video the author provided>

As soon as I enter the park, i take a deep breath, and it feels like a bliss has blown into me. All those stress and tiredness brought by the pile of school projects are instantly blown away. I notice that today the park is quieter than usual. There were only a family having picnic, a man cycling along the lake by the park, a young couple taking a stroll while eating ice cream, and a couple of grandma and grandpa lovingly linking their arms and resting their heads on each other while sitting in one of the benches. I smile thinking at how lovely the elder couple is and how good it must feel to love someone for a long time.

It's SUMMER and it is really hot out here. Luckily, the trees protect the park's visitors from the scorching sun with their lush leafs. I happily walk to my favorite bench that it feels like I'm almost skipping there. As I almost reach the bench, I hear a sound of sweetly strummed strings.

Someone is sitting on the bench.
A dark-brown haired guy (to be specific) is sitting there. He was wearing a light grey hoodie and a pair of jeans. One of his leg crosses the other so as to support the guitar resting on top of his leg. His fingers skillfully dance on the fretboard creating a sweet melody that can captivate anyone's heart. He has a fair skin and a sharp nose. I can't really see his face since his head is looking down focusing on his playfully moving fingers. But one thing I notice are his ears which look like elf's.

Since he seems to be so immersed in playing his guitar, I decided to sit on the bench across the usual bench instead. The bench I'm sitting on is not positioned exactly across his bench, but a little bit to his right side.

I take out my book and start reading where I have left.

A few minutes passed and I am sure that I am reading my book. But somehow the words written in the book do not seem to be entering my mind.

No, it's not that I don't understand the words; and it is certainly not that the words don't want to enter my mind.

It's my mind - it - it just seems like it is fully occupied by something else. My mind is filled with the melodies produced by the sweetly strummed strings that it doesn't seem to have more room for the words of the book.

The next thing I know, my gaze is also attracted by the sight of the man who seems to be in his own happy bubble with his guitar. I find myself smiling and staring at him lovingly. The opened book on my lap is now completely forgotten by its reader.

Realizing that I have been staring at him, I shake my head and turn my attention back to my book. I stare at my book, but my mind and my ears are the guitarist's. I keep on glancing back at him once in a while.

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