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No calls. No text messages. No chat. No email. Nothing. Nothing from him.
She keeps on checking on her phone as her friends are happily singing and dancing along to the karaoke song.

It has been more than a year since they were separated by distance. Chanyeol would call or video chat her everyday. But as the months pass, their assignments pile up and they contact each other less often. They understand that and neither complain about it. If anything, it only makes them appreciate each other even more. But Haewon thinks it's unforgivable if he forget today.

She throws her phone to the side and crosses her arms.
Is he that busy? Does he even remember what day today is?

Her phone chimes.

Her eyes light up with expectation and a smile breaks out on her face. She quickly grabs her phone, but the smile soon turns into a pout and she sighs.

Mom [19.48]: Happy birthday, sweetheart!

She smiles again reading the message. Being separated from Chanyeol is one thing, but that plus having to live alone away from her parents make her miss her school days.

Mom [19.49]: we love you so much!
Mom [19.53]: sorry I just get a chance to text you now and can't celebrate your birthday together. are you enjoying your birthday? I heard Bokyung is there. sorry we haven't visited you again. we'll visit you on the weekend. okay, honey?

[Sent 19.57]: it's okay mom. at least, you text me.
Unlike a certain someone.
[Sent 19.58]: thank you so much! and don't worry about me. Bokyung and Baekhyun are keeping me company. I love you, mom! send my love to dad too.

She sighs again pouting when the thought of Chanyeol crosses her mind again. She caress the silver twig-like ring encircling her finger.

Never thought a long distance relationship is this hard.

"Ya, birthday girl!" Baekhyun's voice snaps her out of her thoughts.

"O-oh! Ye?"

"Why are you pouting?" He asks still holding a mic in his hand.

"Ya! Don't you know?" Bokyung nudges the boy who just looks at her with raised brows. "Her dear boyfriend hasn't said happy birthday to her. That's why she's sulking like that."

"Really?!" Baekhyun's eyes rounded in surprise. "Whoaaa. What kind of boyfriend doesn't remember his girlfriend's birthday!"

Haewon immediately waves both of her hands. "A-ani-"

"What do you mean 'no'? That's exactly it!" Bokyung teases her with a smirk.

"Yes, but I'm sure he has his own reason." She bites her bottom lip lowering her head.

Baekhyun and Bokyung chuckle.

"Ya! We're just teasing you." Bokyung laughs.

"Don't think too much. You said it yourself. He must've had a reason," Baekhyun smiles. "Besides...," he grins slinging an arm around Bokyung's neck, "you have the Baek-Bok here!"

Bokyung scoffs. "What 'Baek-Bok' are you talking about?" She yanks his arm away. "I am not towing my name along with yours," she pokes out her tongue at him and he does the same in return.

Haewon giggles looking at them. Though they often bicker when they meet, she knows that it's actually a sign that they are close. And it's beyond her how those two get close so quickly when she just introduced them to each other a month ago when Bokyung visited her in their university.

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