Chapter 12: Odd Ball

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He's the reason for all the deaths. No matter what.

Cora perched herself on the bed and studied her laptop. Expression was shocking and hand covered her mouth. Her face was pale and hair stood on her arms.

"Cora what do you see?" Mason asked. He had a hunch although he kept silent. He took in the scenario; posters of horror movies dated back to nineteen eighty from The Living Dead to Friday The Thirteenth, along with serial killers she fantasies about, and had dolls lined up on a wall and a few odd creepy masks.

"This," she turned her screen to face Mason.

His hunch was wrong. Totally.

Chills ran down his back; a sex tape of Destiny and Aiden. Hours before his death. From the point of view it was being filmed behind a crack open door. The dimmest of light radiates upon their body. The tape was sped up and towards the end, a gloved hand shut the door.

"I was the axe murderer and the new set of murders are out here killing our friends," Mason said while Cora closed her laptop screen.

The look on Cora's face said it all; shook with a tiny grin. "Really??! Omg."

Mason stood there with his head tilted. Couldn't believe Cora was excited to be friends with an old murder. His eyes noticed Cora examined her wooden box, that had newspaper and drawings of the axe murderer. "How are you excited? Usually people are scared."

Cora passed him the newspaper that was dated back in 2016. There were red circles around every clue. "Why did you do those murders Mr. Killer? What drove you to the edge? I'm a serial killer addiction."

"To quote Norman Bates...We all go a little mad sometimes. I had voices to tell me to kill them and most of them deserved it especially my sister she got in the damn way."

"How did you escape?" Cora asked. She swiftly wrote down everything with her red ink pen. "Tell me everything."

"The detective Catherine Sexton is one of them. She grew up in the institute while her sister got a better life. She killed Destiny for her whining and the unknown revenge murderer killed Aiden. And in your driveway one of them killed the driver."

Her pen dropped along with her jaw. "In my driveway?? Let me get my camera and take me to the scene!"

He waited while she grabbed her camera and her winter clothing. They crawled out the window and step out into the winter wonderland. Their legs plod through the snow and the cold burned their cheeks. Once they got to the scene, chills went down their spine; no bodies were on site and the vehicle was still upside. No imprints of the bodies were shown.

"Mason...there's no body. Are you okay?" Cora asked.

There was silence aside from the sound of falling sleet. The branches whistled through the cold air.

Minutes later, Cora's phone began to ring. Unknown caller. With a nervous grin, she slid the green button.

"Hello?" She said nervously. There was two emotions that ran through her body; excited and fear. For being a serial killer beloved, she was thrilled to speak to one. 

"Hello Cora! I wonder how your boy toy Seb's head would look on a stick?" The robotic manufacturing voice spoke.

Cora's whole body turned into fear. She was speechless and could only hear the maniac laughing through the phone. All she could have done was to end the call.

"Where is he?" Mason asked. His voice was trembling. Of course he knew he was probably at home fast asleep, he didn't know where.

"He's at home and must be asleep by now," Cora spoke. "Besides he got detention tomorrow."

"What did he do?" Mason asked. They walked back to window and crawled in.

"Your ex friend, Austin was shit talking your name and Seb punched him."

A box was on the porch when he came home in the morning, lightly stained and heart-shaped. Propped against the welcome mat and the screen door, it was lit by the sunrise Pennsylvania sun and carved across the box was 'XOXO'. No return address. Strange.

Mason glanced over his bronze shoulder, expecting someone behind him. Way in the distance, his father rolled through the meadow cornfields and his mother must had to be in the house. Who'd have done it? The porch sagged beneath his weight as he picked up the box. His day was everlasting, yet the box was light.

They moved right after they sold the campground and after his sister death.

His long-bony fingers clenched against the screen door handler and went inside. The door slammed shut behind him. He marched down the narrow corridor and went into the living room. He caught a glimpse of his mother occupied on the desktop computer playing Solitaire. Her favorite game.

It taunts him, thoughts of what could be in the heart-shaped box. Chocolate? Note? An animal heart? Who knows. His phone rang, as if to frighten him. It was Seb. Of course, the appealing and clever.

"How's being in hell going?" Mason asked.

His best friend groaned over the phone. "The worst."
Mason slung the box onto the leather couch cushions. "Any chance you could come over after detention?" he stared straight ahead, eyes fixed on the shaped stained box, and bit his bottom lip. He was eager to lift the lid off of the suspense package. He bit his bottom lip, he was afraid he would draw blood.

There was a long pause. "I'll have to see. Everything alright?" Seb asked.

"No. Everyone is dying because of me. It's all my fault."

He lifted the lid off and was horrified by what he witnessed. Followed by an unpleasant smell.


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