Chapter 4 - The Death

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A/N: Okay, I mayyyy have forgotten what Sophie "remembered," so I am just going to make something up. Sorry if I left off at a cliffhanger 😬. Okay, so ON TO THE STORY.

Recap: That's when I remembered...

End of Recap

"MY CLOTHES!" I shriek. Fitz looks at me in confusion. 

"Uhhh, what about ur clothes? They look fine." He questions. I sigh. Old Sophie would have blushed madly, but me, no way. Somehow, when I teleported to San Diego, my clothes didn't get switched out with other Sophie's clothes. Even though my pajamas consist of a stylish cropped shirt and shorts, I still did NOT find that appropriate for everyday outfits. Oooooo, Sophie must be Freaking. Out. right now. Every clothing item I own is shiny. And on top of that, I am- was, famous. Probably a little hard for Sophie to get used to. I start to calm down. OH NO! MY HAIR!!!! I freak out again. Looking in my, wait, Sophie's backpack, I dig around, hoping for a hairbrush. There isn't one. AH MA GAWD. AH NAH! MY REP! Sophie's probably going to go for the black clothes in my closet, and I am most known for wearing LIGHT PASTEL colors in public. Eventually, I calm down and risk a glance at Fitz. He looks, rather awkward. 

"Sor- sorry about that, I-I just... nothing." I stutter out

"Hm, okay." He replies. "For a second you sounded like my sister! And when you tried to fix your hair, you looked like Keefe." He tries joking.

"Oh right! I've been told that I- I mean, who's Keefe?" I catch myself before making a fatal mistake.

"Um, yeah, you wouldn't know." He replies with a faint smile on his face. I raise my eyebrows in the act.

"Anyway, you were saying som-" I begin. 

A/N: Sryy this is a lot of dialogue.

"Right!" The Vacker cuts me off. "Anyways, did you hear that? Those voices..." I nod my head, "suspiciously." "Really?" he responds. "Are you a Telepath?" Fitz inquires curiously.

"Well y-" I catch myself. The teal-eyed boy stares at me suspiciously. I flinch. I guess he takes that as a yes, rather than an "ouch I've messed up," and,

"You are! I can't believe it!" He shouts. I shush him violently, and he recoils. 

"Sorry, but you have to be quiet!" I whisper-shout.

"But you are, aren't you?" 

Getting into character, I back away. The Vacker approaches me, like I am a wild, rabid animal, reassuring me that it is ok.

"You're going to be ok. You don't have to be afraid. I am one too. My names Fitz by the way," I already know that, but to actually hear that in real life was a whole different level of hilarious. I snort. In response, he glares at me. 

"I'm not joking." He says, with a hurt look on his face. My expression stays blank.

"It's okay, Sophie, I am here to help you. We have been looking for you for 12 years." He said desperately. Now that sounded plain creepy. I am tempted to tease him about that sentence when I realize I am supposed to run away. So I naruto run out of that dang museum like my life depended on it. With particles of ash flying into my face, my lungs burning from the horrid stench of the smoke of the fires, I run out into the street, not stopping.

"Sophie, come back!" Fitz pleads. He takes after me. I pick up my pace, racing through the courtyard, knocking over chairs and umbrellas as I pass. I hurdle over some wooden benches, sprinting to the sidewalk. He is still chasing me. I keep running, out into the street. I am halfway across the crosswalk when I heard tires screech. I hadn't looked both ways. I turn my head sharply, only to find a terrified driver struggling to stop his car. 

"I'M GUNNA DIE!!" I shriek. 

A/N: I wish I could say cliffhanger, but y'all already know what's going to happen sooooo, the cliffhanger is dissipated. Anyway, thank you for the reads! hehe... bye!

Mrs. Sencen ;) 😉 

Date Written: Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Word count: 700 words😥

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