Chapter 5- The Non-Human

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A/N: Okay, so I am trying to write more often, bcoz I am getting more reads and votes, so I can't NOT update every month. It's ridiculous, in my opinion. Also, Ty Allie for voting for my chapters! Anddddddd... read on!

Recap: "I'M GUNNA DIE!"

Recap over.

The car swerves right, tires screeching against the ground, missing me by inches. It crashes over the curb, ending up hitting the streetlight. It comes crashing down, plummeting down towards me. Ah Nah. I think. I'm not going to almost die again. My hand shoots up into the air, and as if I had an extra arm on top of my hand, the lamp stopped. A foot above my hand, it levitates there, hovering. It wobbled. I start to lose concentration.

"Put it down," says the familiar accented voice behind me. I drop my arm instantly, not realizing that the pole would fall on top of me if I did. Fitz yelled, and tackles me, throwing us toward the ground.

"How did he do that?" He breathes, eyes full of confusion, and wonder.

I stumble, "Er, no idea." I start to mentally smack myself. I am literally an ACTOR. Isn't impromptu my THING?  Fitz interrupts my thoughts.

"We need to get out of here," he starts to pull my arm with a nervous look on his face.

"Why?" I question. 

"I think they saw us," he replies, with uncertainty.

"Yeah, no sh*t Sherlock," Fitz looks hurt. I roll my eyes.  He seems to be having a mental battle in his head. Do I yell or just shake it off. Yell. No, that's mean. Shake it off. No YELL. AH, SHAKE IT OFF. Fine, I'll just shake it off. 

"You done?" I question. He nods and starts shaking, rather violently. "Are you okay?" I inquire. "Ya know, people are going to start to assume you're having a seizure, and hospital beds aren't very comfy." 

"No, I'm shaking it off."

I laugh. "Like the song, shake it off?"

"Wait what? No, I am just shaking off that rude comment from earlier." He glares at me.

I don't understand why he literally has to shake it off. Deciding what to say to that, I finally decide on the obvious. "Stop. Get some help." I pat him on the head, and he continues to glare at me. 

"So what now, are you going to take me to your evil alien lord?" I question jokingly. He shakes his head and beckons me to follow him. So I do. We run across the sidewalk, with nobody following us. Weird. The Vacker and I race across the zoo entrance, startling some kids with cotton candy in their hands. When we had reached the zoo's parking lot, he stopped. He dragged me behind me a bush, and I rolled my eyes.

"Really? Now we seem even more suspicious now that we're hiding behind a freaking bush! "

Fitz looks around suspiciously.

"Not helping, dude." I roll my eyes. I've gotta admit, my eye-rolls are legendary. Fitz glares at me, yet again.

"What do you want?" I ask him.

"Trust me, I am here to help you," He replies. 

"Really? Coz I certainly didn't think that you almost getting me killed by a car, Oh! And might I also include, a streetlight, is helping me." I shoot back. Fitz stands there for a minute, with a wounded look on his face. 

"Oh piss off," I swat him with my hand. "Surely a boi like you, how old? Like fifteen. Surely a fifteen-year-old boy would be able to handle a small snarky comment like that." I tease. 

Fitz puts on a brave face. I laugh. "All jokes aside, I really am trying to help you," he says rather sincerely. I slowly nod, selling the act.

"Soooo, why were you looking for me?" I press, hoping I don't seem suspicious. He opens his mouth, hesitant to answer. He closes it. It goes on and on, and I stifle the urge to mock him. Eventually, he just replies with a, " I'm not supposed to tell you." I sigh. I already know why he is looking for me, but HE doesn't know that. At least I think he doesn't since my mind is apparently very strong, and his is... well not as strong. I wouldn't say weak, but compared to me, maybe a little?

"So how do I know whether to trust you or not?" I inquire, picking up the lines straight from the book. 

A/N: Remember, all credits go to the lovely Shannon Messenger. I do not own these characters, I only own the Sophie- Now Foster. I also do not own most of the storyline, I am just twisting the original story. 

He caves. "Fine. I don't know much though. My father sent me here, to look for a girl who is your age. So, I was supposed to observe and report back to him, the works. I wasn't supposed to talk to you though. I just couldn't figure you out though, you don't make sense."

"Well that's nice," I mutter sarcastically. "What do you mean 'I don't make sense'?"

"Well, I guess I am saying, you're a lot different from what I expected. For starters, your eyes really threw me off."

"So what about my eyes? Like I said earlier, they look fine!" I snap. Fitz looks offended. 

"You don't know?" He sputters incredulously. I roll my eyes and shake my head. "You don't know.." He mutters. I gesture for him to continue. "Well, we all have blue eyes. So, when I saw you, I thought we had the wrong girl, yet again. Apparently, we didn't. You're really one of us!"

"Um okay, what do you mean, 'one of us'?" I ask. I start to walk away, the bush has dirt on it, and it almost got into my hair. Fitz follows me around, and I duck behind a shack. He follows me.

"Well Sophie, there really is no easy way to say this, but we're not human." I laugh. Even though I already know that, but it still sounded absolutely ridiculous when he said it. 

"Right, not human..." I giggle. I kick him in the shins just for the fun of it and start to walk away. He doesn't follow me for a bit, since he is too busy dealing with the pain. Hmm, imagine the damage I could do if I was wearing my trusty heels. Eventually, he runs after me, questioning why I walked away. I ignore him, to see what his reaction would be. He grabs my arm and pulls me behind ANOTHER BUSH. 

"Alright, I'll tolerate you, but no more bushes."

"Fine." Fitz obliges. "How about that playground over there?" I agree. With that, he proceeds to do a flip and dive, like James Bond, to the playground.

"Boys," I mutter, with an eye-roll. I walk to the playground. I sit on the swing, waiting for the ridiculous kid to finish his flips off the monkey bar. "Stop showing off Fitz, lets get on with the conversation."

"Fine." He pouts. I assume he realizes that he is literally 15, and adjusts his clothes, acting, well sort of mature. "I'm telling the truth, Sophie," he says truthfully. "Just think for a few seconds! Can humans do this?" He proceeds to close his eyes and disappear. I walk up to him and smack his non-existent body. He reappears, clutching the spot where the sun doesn't shine. I gasp. 


"Ow! Why did you do that?" He exclaims. 

"I just wanted to see if you vanished, or became like air," I said, snickering. He glowers at me. I shrug. "Anyway, I can't do that! So I AM human!" I explain, selling my glorious act.

"Uhhhh look what you did with that pole a few minutes ago." He counters. 

"Well then what am I?" I snap.

A/N: Yassss! That was such a long chapter for me! I am so prouddddd!!! Anyways, do people even read this? Well, Ty guys for the reads, (and hopefully, just maybe, a vote?) 

Mrs. Sencen😉

Written: Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Word count: 1325 words!

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