Chapter 3- Best. Day. EVER!!!

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 A/N: Okay, sorry if this is published the day after chapter 2. I'm writing this in advance, so I wouldn't know. However, I am working on this the same day I wrote chapter 2. Soooo, yeah! Anyway, on to the story!


And that's when I realize. What the-

Recap finished.

OMG! Did I somehow enter an alternate universe?? I am in Sophie's body! Oh no. What about my parents? What about my powers?? I freak out. However, there are more pressing things going on right now. My worries will have to wait. I turn back to... Oh yeah, Mr. Sweeny, and prepare for his verbal beatdown. 

"Then perhaps you can explain why you were listening to your iPod instead of following along?" The nasal guy asks. 

I stay silent, not having a comeback for that. He continues on with his mini-lecture directed at me.

"Since you've decided you're above this lecture, why don't you give it? Explain to the class how the lambeosaurus differs from the other dinosaurs we've studied."

My mind instantly flashed toward the information card in front of the display. However, since I already knew that I wouldn't be in this class any longer, I decided to pull a Keefe. 

"Aren't you the teacher? Why are you asking me?" I retort.

Mr. Sweeny explodes. 


"Great! Thank you! Even sitting on a bus is better than learning about lameosaurus. Take care." I start to walk away.

My teacher for the day sputters. "Yo- YOU GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT! I WILL PUNISH YOU LATER!" Satisfied, I smirk and agree with him. I can hear people in front of me snickering. As we walk to the next exhibit, this tall guy bumps into me. Apparently, his name is Garwin Chang, if my- wait Sophie's memory serves me right. It definitely did, since she had a photographic memory. Oh! That means I have a photographic memory. Hooray! Anyway, Garwin leans down over me.

"That was a rather snappy remark... Superfreak. I still hate you though." He snips.

"I don't care, fart guy." I had read his shirt and decided to implement that into my sentence. He scoffs and walks away. Suddenly, I have a massive headache. I go into a different room to sit down and wait for the pain to subside. Across the museum, I catch this dark-haired boy standing against a pillar, reading a newspaper with my face on the front. Ah, snap. That picture of me was absolutely HIDEOUS. And even worse, a hot guy was reading it. I internally cursed, when I remembered that my picture was in the newspaper for rejecting an ivy league college. Wow. Sophie- er I am weird. 

He looked up at me, and I saw a disappointed expression quickly fly across his face. Then I realized how pretty his eyes are. They're a brilliant teal color I have never seen before.  He walked toward me and smiled. My heart melted. He was so cute! 

"Is this you?" He asked me. Not trusting my voice, I nodded.

"I thought so." He examined the picture more closely. "I didn't realize your eyes were brown."

Offended, I retort back, "Well they are! You gotta problem with that?"

"Ugh, Sorry." He replies. "Jeez," he mutters under his breath. I catch it but don't say anything. I think. Something about his voice seems, off. It's like a crisp British accent. 

Trying to make small talk I ask him if he is in this class. I instantly regret that, since I DEFINITELY would have noticed him before.

He smiles a cute smile. I blush. "No." Then, he looks at an Albertosaurus, and asks me, "Tell me something. Do you really think that's what they looked like? It's a little absurd, isn't it?"

That gets me thinking. OH MY GOD. That's Fitz! I just called Ritz Cracker cute. I betrayed the chandelier! I pull myself back to the present and respond.

"Meh. I don't really think about what they look like unless it's something out of the ordinary. Like if they had neon feathers!" I remembered that from the book and decided to see his reaction. 

He looks stunned and confused but quickly masks it with an amused sort of look on his face. "Nevermind. I'll let you back to your class. It was nice to meet you, Sophie." He turns to leave when some kindergarteners barge into the exhibit. If their voices weren't enough to startle me, their scatterbrained mental voices brought a new meaning to pain. To ease the pain, I rub my temples, with a strained look on my face. I look up at Fitz, and we lock gazes. He wore the same strained expression I imagined having only seconds ago, which was pretty embarrassing. 

He looked at me in wonder. "D-did you... j-just hear tha- that?" he stutters. I laugh. 

"Of course! I'm not deaf." Shortly after that, I realize he is talking about the mental voices. I try it again. "I was just teasing. What are you getting at?" I ask suspiciously, taking a step back. Then I remembered.

A/N: Yay! this is the longest chapter I have written so far! It sure is a lot of of work. Ty for the reads and votes!

Date written: November 1, 2020

Word count: 888 words

Switched up: A Keeper Story, Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now