Chapter 6

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(Robin's team is seen at the abandoned mansion, where they are suddenly transported to a cyberspace. Then The Riddler shows up)

The Riddler: Robin? Come on

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The Riddler: Robin? Come on. I was expecting Batman to be here... But maybe you can serve too.

Robin: What do you want?

Spider-Man: You're actually the leader of the new Sinister Six?

The Riddler: And I thought Batman was a Sherlock Holmes. This will be very interesting.

(As The Riddler disappears, Robin and his team are seen walking in a labyrinth until they found a door, the The Riddler shows up)

The Riddler: Here is the first riddle. What is the shortest point between Alaska and Florida?

(Then Red Beast Boy sees the three options and chooses the second option. Then they are teleported to another area of the labyrinth and they see The Riddler again)

The Riddler: Very good. But it's easy once you realize the Earth is round.

(Then Robin's team proceeds to keep walking in the labyrinth until they find another door. This one has three keys, they are Key A, Key B and Key C. Red Beast Boy picks Key C, and the door opens. Then Robin's team gets in before The Riddler shows up again)

The Riddler: That's right. In music, C has no sharps, A has three sharps and B has two sharps. This is getting interesting.

(Then Robin's team is teleported off to another area of the labyrinth, and as they walk on, Cyborg blasts some fake walls in order for the team to proceed. As they go on, they see Mary Jane and Tony Stark trapped in the final area of the labyrinth, then Mysterio appears)

 As they go on, they see Mary Jane and Tony Stark trapped in the final area of the labyrinth, then Mysterio appears)

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Mysterio: Long time no see you, Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: How about a riddle, Mysterio?

Mysterio: Gee, thanks. I almost forgot. I have billions of eyes, but I live in darkness. I have millions of ears, but only four lobes. I have no muscles, but I rule two hemispheres. What am I?

Robin: Hmm...billions of eyes, but can't see.

Spider-Man: Millions of ears, but only four lobes.

Raven: No muscles, but ruling two hemispheres?

Red Beast Boy: I know. Human Brain. It has billions of optic and auditory nerves. Four lobes and two hemispheres. And it's the only thing which intellectual people respect and understand.

Mysterio: You brought such a good sidekick with you, spider. Let's see if he can help you and your other buddies fighting me.

(Mysterio uses his illusion tricks against Robin and his team. Thanks to Raven's magic, Red Beast Boy finds and hits the real Mysterio in his rhinoceros form. Then he morphs into a gorilla and keeps beating Mysterio until he passes out. Then Robin's team is teleported off again and The Riddler shows up again)

The Riddler: I'm impressed you made it this far. But the labyrinth was just a test. Now the real game begins!

(Suddenly, Robin's team falls. But Red Beast Boy morphs into a pterodactyl and everyone else falls upon him so he could ensure their safe landing. As they land, The Riddler shows up again and the scene changes to a chess table cyberspace)

The Riddler: How about a relaxing game of chess?

Robin: Don't waste our time, Riddler?

(Then Robin's team start their run as they had to avoid getting hit by some living bishop pieces and destroy towers which block their way. Then The Riddler shows up again)

The Riddler: Now, I'll give you something you will really get a charge of.

(The Robin's team runs again as some fake floors break like glass, and The Riddler shoots some laser beams to make it even harder for our heroes to escape. But they manage to pass through, much for The Riddler's anger. Then he tries to crush the heroes with a tower piece as they pass through some more bishop pieces, making The Riddler even more enraged)

The Riddler: Why you little... You kids forced me to show you what's on my sleeves!

Robin: If you're ready, come on and fight!

(Then The Riddler decides to try to crush the heroes with two king pieces. As they manage to destroy one of them, The Riddler tries to crush them with the remaining king piece and shoots some laser beams. But the heroes managed to destroy the other king piece, defeating The Riddler and returning to the real world. As they approach the defeated Riddler, Batman shows up)

Batman: To think you could do this.

Spider-Man: Uh-Oh. He caught us.

Batman: I'll take The Riddler back to Arkham. And try to forget all of this!

(As Batman walks away while dragging The Riddler, Spider-Man is seen taking reflections)

Spider-Man: If The Riddler and Mysterio are making a partnership... This must mean The Riddler is not the leader of the Sinister Six.

Cyborg: Or maybe Nygma, Felicia, Slade, Oboro, Norman and Kraven were not the real Sinister Six.

(Then Mysterio is seen watching the team)

Mysterio: It looks like they found out the truth.

(Then other five familiar figures appear behind him)

Mysterio: I am the leader of the real Sinister Six!

(Mysterio laughs maniacally as the screen fades out)

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