Chapter 8

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(At New Jersey, Beast Boy and Sakura are notified about Robin and Spider-Man fighting the Ugly Fatman)

Sakura: It looks like the Ugly Fatman is one of the members of the Sinister Six.

Beast Boy: Shouldn't we help them.

(Then Beast Boy morphs into a pterodactyl and Sakura takes a ride, then both go to New York)

(Meanwhile, Starfire is seen fighting Taskmaster by herself. She tries to shoot some heat blasts, but he defends himself with his shield and tries to use his sword to attack her, but she grabs his arm and starts beating him up until he passes out)

(Red Beast Boy morphs into a dinosaur and tries to attack Ingrid, but she easily dodges his attacks and strikes him from behind. Then Raven tries to attack her with her magic, but she is strong enough to break her magic, then punches her stomach until she starts bleeding. Enraged, Red Beast Boy morphs into a tiger and attacks her, this time with success, then he bites her arm hard, then morphs into a kangaroo and kicks her groin so hard that she ends up hitting the wall, breaking her back. As she slowly gets up, Red Beast Boy approaches her and instead of getting angry, she smirks)

Ingrid: We will meet again...

(Ingrid then disappears)

(In San Fransisco, Static and Gear face Killer Moth. Static tries to shock him, but the villain easily evades and kicks him. Then Gear uses his rope to trap the villain who easily breaks free)

Static: Man, he is tough!

(Then Gear uses his cyber backpack and it traps Killer Moth)

Killer Moth: (groans) You got me...

(Atlee causes earthquakes, then Asagi easily slashes through Lady Shiva, then she falls down)

(Robin tries to bring the ugly Fatman down with his explosive discs, but it's in vain. Then Spider-Man tries to use his webs to trap him, but the ugly Fatman breaks free. Having no other choice, they try to combine attacks, barely scratching him, then Beast Boy comes in and pierces the ugly Fatman's belly by morphing into a rhinoceros. Then Sakura finishes the Fatman by slashing him in half)

Robin: Good job, Beast Boy... and Sakura Igawa.

Sakura: No problem.

(Then the team reunites in Times Square, where they are about to face Mysterio in the final battle)

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