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about 2 weeks had passed since jimin's birthday, they had yet to get together again since then. jungkook, despite actually having a really good time with the mafia leader, still hated him. taehyung had finally come around and actually saw the good in him and how he made his hyung happy. jimin stayed away as much as possible, it wasn't because he didn't want seokjin and namjoon together but every time he's around namjoon he started reminiscing about old times.

hoseok was still trying to get used to knowing what his boyfriend actually did for a living. the worrying that he did before finding out was increased knowing what actually did, but it wasn't enough to cause another break up. on nights that namjoon and yoongi were away, hoseok was with seokjin. the leaving seemed to increase more due to something happening that neither boys knew about. something about risking leaking too much information that could endanger them and everyone around them.

to say the least, this freaked seokjin and hoseok out so much. they started watching their backs too often and jin was terrified to work up front in his cafe. hoseok called in sick at the dance studio and missed up to 3 days in a row. no matter how much yoongi and namjoon told them they were safe, they were still skeptical. no one knew about hoseok nor seokjin, since namjoon was able to stop the leaking of pictures of them all. no one should know about his relationship.

he had never brought seokjin to the manor, so no one there should know. hoseok had been safe for years, no pictures of him nor yoongi had been leaked, there was no way they could be leaked because if they were, he'd kill the person who leaked them and get his tech group, soobin, yeonjun, and beomgyu to remove any trace of them from the internet.

it wasn't the first time that had happened, after the incident at the mall with seokjin, he had the three boys work quickly to remove any pictures of them. it was done within 6 hours after the first picture was posted. so really they had no worries at all, at least right now. they had no reason to be hiding and watching themselves as if they were being stalked or getting ready to be kidnapped.

right now, hoseok was in the arms of his boyfriend peacefully sleeping. seokjin was lying in bed, patiently waiting until jimin and taehyung got back from the convenient store. he was texting namjoon who was getting ready to leave to pick up something. he sighed and threw his phone to the side of the bed and closed his eyes.

taehyung and jimin walked through the store, picking up some candy and a random microwavable burrito. after purchasing their items, they walked out the store taking the back way back to seokjin's apartment. the alley was dark, the only thing lighting it was the street lights peering over the old run down building. the boys were talking and laughing loudly, disregarding the shuffling sounds heard behind them.

they were nearing the end of the alley when they were both grabbed. a gun pressed to each of their sides and two men holding down on their waist. they stiffened feeling the men push the gun further into their side.

"two of them, must be our lucky day." the one holding jimin said just above a whisper. the boys were terrified, they went from laughing loudly and joking to being held down at gunpoint in a blink of an eye. jimin felt all the years in training he had completely drain from his body. the years he trained with and without namjoon felt useless. he couldn't calm down, his breathing was ragged.

the dark haired male that held taehyung moved his hands lower, still holding a tight grip on the boy. the gun moved from his side to the back of his head. taehyung felt tear drops fall down his cheeks as the man felt him up. he felt the man roughly pull at his jacket, exposing his shoulder. the man ran his fingers over his shoulder and placed his hand down his shirt.

"you are so beautiful. i can't wait to have you." the man whispered, sending chills down taehyung's spine. a loud sob escaped his lips. jimin wanted to help his friend, but he couldn't, he was being felt up in the same way. they both were crying loudly as the men pressed the guns into them and pulled them down the alley, trying to get them out of the open.

but they were stopped when namjoon walked into the alley way holding a gun in his hands. he looked at the men who were holding jimin and taehyung against their will. he recognized them immediately, two drug dealers under jackson's wing. he cocked the gun and pointed at the two. they immediately let the two boys go and stared wide-eyed at their boss. jimin and taehyung quickly ran and took comfort within each-other behind namjoon who was practically oozing anger from his skin.

"what the fuck do you two think you were doing?" the leader asked in a eerily calm manner. the gun in his hand didn't move at all, he was so close to just pulling the trigger and killing them both. the men were shaking in fear, they knew they fucked up, getting caught like this is a life or death situation.

"they owed us money boss, we were just trying to get it from them." one of them said, the roles were now reversed, they went from being the ones holding people at gunpoint to being held at gunpoint. the fear jimin and taehyung held was now thrusted onto them.

"no, i don't think they owe you money at all. i know these two. so what were you going to do if i didn't show up?"  namjoon said lowly, stepping up to the men who were, if they weren't already, shaking in fear. he looked back at jimin and taehyung who were still crying and holding onto one another.

"you two go get in the car." namjoon said while pressing the gun up against the dark haired males temple. they had tears trickling down their cheeks watching as the leader played with the trigger. "but-" jimin was getting ready to speak up but namjoon cut him off immediately.

"i said go get in the car." he said louder, scaring the two boys. they complied quietly, as if an owner hollered at their pet, their tails were in between their legs. they walked into the car in silence, still sniffling every now and then. namjoon stayed behind, staring at the two men with rage-filled eyes.

"now tell me, what were you planning to do to them?" namjoon asked, aiming the gun at his thigh. the lighter haired one shook his head as more tears fell. "if you don't tell me what you were planning to do to them i'm going to shoot you." namjoon said, clutching the trigger, very close to pulling it. the dark haired male gulped before speaking up.

"we were going to have sex with them." he said quickly, shutting his eyes afraid to look at his boss. the lighter haired male let out a loud sob when he felt namjoon push the gun into his leg again. "i wanna take a guess and say you were going to rape them, force them into your dirty acts." namjoon said, eyes flickering with rage. he stepped back pulling the gun away. the boys cried with relief when this happened.

"if i find out you two have done something like this again i will kill you." he said turning his back and walking away. he stopped in the middle of his track and turned around and shot the boys in one of their legs each. their screams echoed throughout the alley way. namjoon just walked away like nothing happened, if he were to get caught, it's not like they could do anything to him anyway.

he got back into the car and sat there for a minute before finally speaking up. "why the fuck did you two think it was a good idea to walk by yourselves this late at night." you could hear the anger dripping from each word as he spoke. the two boys in the back didn't respond, they just sat quietly in the back with their heads down.

"so now you both can't speak? i know y'all hear me speaking to you." he said a little louder this time. jimin looked down at his lap in shame. he hated being hollered at, it always made him feel small and like he messed up. "we didn't know this would happen, we were just trying to pick up some things." jimin said brokenly, you could hear his fear in every word.

"you should know better than to do that stupid shit, what if i wasn't there?" namjoon said quietly, he groaned loudly, placing his head on the steering wheel. "we're sorry, it won't happen again." taehyung spoke quietly, still sniffling. he just wanted to go home and cuddle his boyfriend. he didn't want to get yelled at anymore, he hated this so much.

the rest of the ride back to seokjin's apartment was quiet until namjoon got a call from jackson. he dropped them off and immediately left for the manor. when he got there he walked into the meeting room to see both yoongi and jackson sitting down at the table.

"what's up?" namjoon said still standing at the door. he didn't bother sitting down, he didn't feel like being there anyways. "two of my men were gunned down. they weren't killed, just shot in the leg." jackson says blandly, thinking this meant some other gang was coming and another mob war was about to happen.

"i know, it was me." namjoon said, yoongi and jackson looked at him shocked...

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