A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 14- Lump

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My mom says before that usually guys act before they think. But I guess she’s all wrong. Because if girls think before they do the acts then they wouldn’t be so naïve. If mom had thought first before leaving me and my dad to another man then she should have known better.

 Although I think Marky is such a douche bag, there’s a part of me that says he was right. But maybe I’m just too stubborn that I still defend myself and I speak to my conscience that I am more superior than him. Women can be heartless, yes, I believe but people change only when people hurt them. And besides, I wouldn’t be shock if Marky guy would ever say that since he’s cold hearted. Maybe he should be a vampire because they two had something in common which is frantically speaking: heartless.

Right now, I believe that whenever he finds himself alone again and he wanted to see my obviously beautiful face then I would shut my locker to his face. Damn he for insulting my woman-nity. That’s why when he knocked on my locker I immediately shut it to his face. But then it was block by some guy’s hand.

Which is to say was Evan’s.

“I was about to apologize but knowing it was just you,” I shrugged. “Never mind.”

“It was just me? Dennise, how fast can you forget everything we’ve been together?” Evan looks at me like he wanted to just kneel down and beg to me. Awesome!

“Just as fast as you left me and cheated on me.” I prompted.

“Just let me explain.” He retorted.

I scoffed. “Oh, touché.”


“No. I don’t want to hear anything from you.”

“There’s nothing going on with me and Rein.” He explains.

“So what was that I saw? You were practicing breast stroke on her—“

“That wasn’t—“

“Jerk off, Evan and shut your freakin’ gob. It makes you sound like some desperate house wife. Find someone to make use of your room key.”

Suh-nap. I kind of love the sound of that. Haha >:)

I started to walk towards a different direction then even though I know I am heading far away from my destination. Then I passed by some open door and BAM! I ran into another walking disaster. The end of the world is definitely fast approaching. Holy crap. (T.T)

Mark guy’s eyes widened at my sight and then it turned into confusion as his brows furrowed.

“Oops. Wrong way.” I said and I turned around.

“Hey, wait—“ he started to follow me. Screw this and just run before he flattens you! Run!

I felt someone hold my hand and I stumbled forward.

“You act like a child.” He frowns at me.

“That’s why my boyfriend left me? For your girlfriend?” I prompted and his eyes went to the floor not meeting mine. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

“Well… you shouldn’t have you know. It shouldn’t have run into that when you shouldn’t have done that.” He rolls his eyes as if he doesn’t believe he’s saying it to me. “I don’t know why I told you that. “

“What?” (o.O)?

He rolls his eyes and sighs. “Why are you so slow?”

“Ah, hello! How can I understand you when you keep on speaking in riddles?”

“I’m trying to apologize to you! Darn it!”

(O.O) “You were?”

“No, I wasn’t.” he says as he suddenly became interested with the floor.

 “Weh…” (<<,)

“Are you gonna forgive me or not?” his eyebrows rose as he takes a peek at my reaction. “Come on, I’m on a date and I have to go.”

“Weh…” (<<,)

“Yes, I am and it’s not even Rein.”

“Weh—no,” I gasped and I looked suspiciously at him. “You’re not going straight are you?”

“In your dreams, lady. He’s blonde and has pretty blue eyes.”

“Oh. You’re dating Peeta Mellark?”

“What—no. Just tell me if you’re not going to forgive me and I’m leaving you alone for the rest of my life.”

“Ooh! That sounds great! Tempting but I still want to torment your life. So, from my hypothalamus, I forgive you.”

“Okay, thanks.” he leans in and kisses my cheek. Which was not really him. He stiffened after what he did just like me but he recovers first. (T.T)

“Tell me if you’re falling in love with Me.” he says and I felt myself turn.

“Argh! You are so assuming! Ew!” I shouted.

He smirks at me and then he leaves me like some tomato head rotten doll.


Dear readers,

I would just like to thank you for supporting ATLA all through out... I promise I'll try my very best to give you the best... =)

Advance Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! =)

More Power!

Without Wax,



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