A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 47- Until You

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I’ve been with Marky all throughout his commercial project and I cannot hide the excitement to you that I will be part of it. He says I’m gonna be his date to the annual screening ceremony which will be held before the school year ends; so we have a lot of time and effort to spend and work on his commercial and I am super egzoited to see the result! And not to mention Marky’s birthday is fast approaching and I am such a fool not to think of anything to give him. Seriously, I have no idea what to give him for his birthday. Whenever I attempt to give him something, it just turns out that either he has it already or he has bought it already. It really sucks, you know what I mean. Last year, I didn’t give him anything since I have no idea when was his birthday—we barely talk last year except to fight. If it wasn’t for Sydney who greeted him a merry birthday paddy then I wouldn’t have known it was his birthday (if you’re wondering when’s his birthday that would be before the day of Halloween and weeks before Syd’s and my birthday.)

 Yet, still, I am such a douche not to think of anything that I could possibly give to Marky. =(

We were sitting on a bench outside, overlooking the Providence River when something wicked our way comes. How fantastic really how she makes her entrance and spoils such a romantic scene. I looked at Dee as she stops in front of us and offered Marky a flirtatious smile. I felt Marky tense beside me. The witch had seemed to notice it and smiled.

 “I can’t believe I still have that impression on you.” she tells him. “That’s cute.” She wrinkles her nose while I just wanted to push her off the river.

I rolled my eyes in my head and tried not to be bitter—only for today.

“You’re birthday’s coming.” Imagine that. Argh. Bitch. “I hope we could get together. Just like the old days.” I gaped inside my head. Wow, really, in front of me? Darn that woman! I tried to pull Marky’s hand when I felt it sweating to my touch. I withdrew immediately.

“Just for friend’s sake.” She adds. “That is if you still wanted to be friends.”

Marky sighs. OH the best actress that she is. I wonder how she’d react on a bitch-slap. But Marky spoke before I could take some action in my hands.

“You’re welcome to go.” He says and I dropped my jaw.

I unconsciously turned to Marky for an explanation but his eyes were locked on Dee’s. Was he looking at her the whole time?

“I’ll be inviting Rein and Syd too.” He adds. I felt smoke come out of my ear pipes and I let out my breath that I didn’t know I was holding. =C(>.<)D=

“That’s great!” Dee clapped her hands together. “I’ll just see you in your apartment then.” She smiles that irritating smile at him again and she trots away from us.

I scoffed loudly and Marky turns to me.


She knows where you live?”

I cannot believe this. Marky avoided my eyes and he tried to make up a resolution.

“Dennise, we have the same classes. You cannot just expect me to ignore her all the time.”

I scoffed and mouthed the words “wow”. I looked away before I could hit my balls at him.


I dodged his hand away and he looks hurt at me.

“No. Don’t talk to me right now.” I said through gritted teeth.

He forced me to turn to him and once I did I glowered at him.

“You can ignore her if you wanted to, Marky.”

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