A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 4- Nobody's Fool

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Swimming class. What could be more fantastic than have Chemistry for first period then swimming class next? I don't know what I have done wrong to be so much unlucky today.

"It's called Karma you know. If you're Hindu you'll know what I mean."

Marky says as if reading my mind.

"I'm so sorry I'm Christian and I read the Bible. Maybe you should read one of Confucius' books. If you know him you might be familiar with his saying: "Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you."

"Oh so you're into Philosophy too. That's nice. I should definitely recommend you to Mr. Richards; you'd make an excellent couple." He teases.

"I don't want to date whoever that is you're talking about. Why don't you date him since you're the one who needs more focus and understanding on moral values?" (T.T)

"So you're really feeling Christian I am so touched of your behavior. What else did they teach you these days? Eavesdropping?" (T.T)

"I am a Christian and the church taught us to be responsible for our actions."

He scoffed at me as he mouthed "responsible" and shook his head in disbelief.

I know that I'm being rude and my words sting like knives but the truth is I don't really care what he does as long as I stick my feet on the ground and just go with the flow of life. And if ever I talk back to Marky guy that is my way of self defense. I just feel tired of being a person to laugh at and the person being bullied.

Marky left me at the corridors as he stormed the gym. The swimming pool is outside the gym. Maybe I should first change into Sydney's clothes since I really thought that I do look like a rug doll now.

After I changed I went to the pool area where I noticed a lot of my classmates in their swim wear. I felt Goosebumps all over but good to know that I have good body system that I didn't faint or nosebleed at the sight. I didn't quite expect to have a whirlwind first day of school. I took up Physical Education to be Physically Fit! Now I'm regretting I didn't take Health Class instead.

"Why are you still standing here?"

I turned around to see Evan in his casual wear.

"I was just looking." I feel disappointed not to see him in his swimming trunks. Aish. Shut up, Dennise!

"For me?" he smirked.

Great. "Sort of."

He grinned at me then he outstretched his arms for a hug-though that's what I really thought.

"We better find our seats now before others do."

'"I was about to say that! To the bleachers it is." I am such a flirt. Take note.

"Aren't you going to change?" he asks me as we headed to the bleachers.

"Um. I've changed already."

He looks at my outfit which was a pair of jeans, sneakers and Sydney's shirt.

"You have your own style of swim wear." He concludes but he wasn't looking at me anymore.

"I am not actually into this."I said.

"Then why are you here?"

"I happen to be here-by mistake."

I think he believes this though.

"Well I think you being here is by chance."

Goosebumps! (T.T)

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