A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 49- The Pandora Box

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It feels like only yesterday that I was carrying something inside of me. And now that it finally came out, there are a lot of reasons to celebrate like the thing called “birthday”.

Marky sighs as he sits down beside me on the grass. I know that he’s been thinking about Margaux too and he’s weighing the consequences of her birthday. I actually labeled that problem as Mom Problem. Whoopsy.

“I cannot believe Margaux’s turning one this Thursday.” He says for the fifth time. “And we got college on our side.” He mutters a curse under his breath.

I smiled wryly at him since I know that I’m an additional problem to his so called burdens of today. Besides, he is much closer to Margaux than I am and I am so much jealous. I don’t wanna think about it.

“We can still have her on Friday and the weekends. We three can celebrate then.” I said just to ease things down.

He looks at me as if I said something wrong. “It won’t be her birthday. I cannot believe we won’t be there to celebrate with her. Damn these school days.”

 I laughed and he scowls at me. “What?” He shakes his head. “Marky, I don’t see any difference. Margaux is still gonna be one on Friday.”

“Dennise, Margaux’s turning one once. We are her parents and it is important that we’ll be there on her first birthday. It’s a familial celebration. Hello.”

“You know, when you talk like that it makes me go back that you have been really, really gay.” I sighed. (T.T)

He sighs too. “Don’t change the subject. Just say what you want to say now.”

I pursed my lips and I turned to him. “You know I love you, right?” he frowns at me concerning the thought which was already obvious and yet he nodded. “So… I was thinking, if you do, then you still want me dead on my daughter’s first birthday?” I gasped and he rolls his eyes. “Imagine the horror and the trauma that it would bring her!”

He scoffs. “I can’t believe you’re still thinking about your little death march via my mother! You won’t even agree to marry me!”

Wow. Marriage. And here we go again in the wild adventures of Dennise and Marky. What a fascinating subject.

“Are we really gonna argue about this?” I said and he looks away, furious. “Your mom will catch me dead before we could even think of my escape plan!”

“Then what’s my purpose?” He spats. “Don’t you think I can protect you?”

“You don’t need to be Superman, Marky. I don’t trust you could make the cut.” I took my bag and started to stand and walk away.

“Eat your Hakuna Matata! You don’t even know what it really means!” he shouts at me and I raised my middle finger without turning around.

“We are not over with this conversation, Dennise!” he shouts again. “We’re gonna talk about it whether you like it or not!”

“Oh have it your way, boss!” I shouted in return.


I know in my heart that the duchess doesn’t scare me. But then what confuses me is the fact that I keep on building walls around me. Sometimes it scares me to think that while I keep on securing those walls around me is the fact that I’m slowly losing the persons important to me.

Wednesday came and I cannot hide the ache that is puncturing the walls of my Myocardium. Well of course I cannot forget this day when I was going hysterical a year ago for childbirth and Marky had abandoned his game for it. Damn reminiscence. Still, it’s a day before my baby’s birthday.

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