A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 19- Chasing Pavements

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I let out a breath after I placed the sixth P-tick inside my drawer. I looked up to see my beautiful face in the mirror which I noticed was still as beautiful even if I looked so horrified. Then I realized that there are still people here on earth that God had granted unlimited beauty even if they’re miserable with their lives. Just like my fave people in no particular order: ME.

“So what’s the uh… prognosis?” Amy looks at me from her bag of popcorns and places some in her mouth. What does she think this is? Eating some popcorn like its some movie? (T.T)

I watched her chew on it and then my eyes drifted back to the six P-sticks inside my drawer. Oh, they have so much in common. They all look unholy to me.

“Oh well, it says: LOL you’re fucked up.” I said and I closed my drawer.

She frowns. “You don’t look so fucked up.”

I groaned as I went to my bed and hide under my cushy pillows. But neither did it make me feel so comfortable. “I don’t wanna look ugly.” (T.T)

“Seriously? Dennise, you’re tummy’s gonna get huge and—“

“Amy,” I almost exclaimed. “Can we please not talk about beauty issues? I’m saying I’m pregnant.”

Her face drops. (_____)ß“What’ya gonna do about it then?”

I bit my lower lip until I felt it hurt. I don’t wanna cry in front of my cousin. Not like this. It seems not right to cry. But of course, everything’s not right. I felt my chest getting heavy and the clouds just wanted to pour some rain.

“I don’t know, Amy.” I said as my tears started to fall. “I don’t know anymore.”

“I think it’s best if you tell your dad—“

“No, Amy!” I started to freak out and she came to sit with me. “You can’t tell him. Promise me you won’t tell him.”

She looks down at her hands then back to me. “Okay. Well, at least you have to tell someone about it just to get some good advice what to do with it.”

“I can’t go to the guidance counselor! She’ll exterminate me from graduation! I still wanna graduate and go to college! Why’s my life so fucked up?” I cried.

“Then… maybe you should try and tell the father of your baby…” she suggested and it made me cry big time.

“Dennise,” (O.O)?

“I don’t wanna tell him. He will only deny it.” I said in between sobs.

“What if he has a solution to it? Come, on. You both have to deal with it. It’s your responsibility after all. If he denies it then at least you’ve done your part. There’s nothing wrong with trying. I’m sure we’ll find another option if he doesn’t take it… well.”

I am pretty sure Amy’s also afraid but she’s trying to be strong for me.

“I don’t know why this has to happen to me. I mean, there are a lot of bad people in the world like Rein Dymwitt. Why can’t she get pregnant instead of me?” I said as I dried my tears. “I just want to escape all of this.”

 “Well, we can pretend that things don’t bother us, but we all know that even the smallest things could make us fall apart.” She said.

Even though I wanna nix the idea of telling Marky about his little bastard invading my petite body but Amy’s right. He has a say to it and it is our responsibility. He still has the right to know about it. And maybe we can make amends and think of a bright idea what to do.

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