A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 13- Begin Again

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You know it’s not really a big deal if you try and be nice to someone who is really not. Even if it means it’s Marky Cleeveland.

You know—I mean yeah I have repeated the first two words of this chapter to another paragraph. But hey, what can I say “you know” is a very popular word now days. Anyways, just nix that it will only prolong your um… reading. And I apologize for the emoticons. The author is crazy about them. Blame her! (T.T)

So I was really going slow as in really slow, slower than a turtle as I get on with my life after breaking up with my retarded ex-jerk-cheater-boyfriend who doesn’t deserve to be called my ex either. Well, I lost some awesome weight but good thing it didn’t made me look malnourish still; although I feel really sad and devastated that you couldn’t see me guys getting the 30th precious tissue box of mine and then crying my butt out—I mean my heart out and wipe my dripping nose. Ew. So you can just imagine that scenario if you want since you can’t see it. I leave the decision to you. *sniff-sniff* (T.T)

Although I don’t want to exaggerate but it seems to be the truth that Marky and I are really getting along so well. Yeah, believe it or not we were. I don’t have an idea what’s in this author’s head that she wants us to be BFFs. Just keep up with this brainiac. We still get into fights though but I am glad that we’re both okay. I guess that break up and heart ache thingy had helped me gain a good friend. But trust me, it’s not always I who initiate the fights, it was him—most really.

And aside from the losing weight thingy and Marky Cleeveland best friend thingy, Sydney has finally came up with his idea of talking to me which is also a good thing. Without a “y” this time. Marky had been really furious although our fight didn’t last too long because Sydney is always on the way to wall us out. But Marky has been really a good antagonist between Sydney and me because he doesn’t make it too obvious that he doesn’t want us together. For example sitting between Sydney and me on the bench. But we all are in good terms. Sydney and I. Even Marky and I. The king and I. The Princess and I and all the titles you could think with an “I” to it. It’s acceptable.

So where exactly are we? I’m sorry if I’m confusing you but my mother had seemed to conceptualize me with a carousel or what. But anyways, I want you to know how Sydney and I made it up. You know when we started to fix things that I don’t know were broken.

“Hey,” he started to say and I turned to him as soon as I closed my locker.

“Wow. How long have you been gone exactly? For about let just say three months and then you come straight to me and say “Hey”?” I sighed. “Hi, Syd.”

He shrugs at me.

“I’m sorry. I know that I’m a total douche for ignoring you the whole time—“

“Good thing to know that you know that you are.”

He sighs. “I just can’t take it when you’re with him, Dennise. My heart just contrasts and I couldn’t breathe.” Wow talking about exaggerating. He looks up at me. “I guess I like you that much. I’m sorry. Can we please be friends again?”

He then shakes his head as he adds. “Or maybe more than that someday?”

I laughed at him. (^.^)

“I see that you are really hmm… depressed. But I couldn’t remember the time when I had unfriend you on my Facebook account. So great now that you’re back it seems that I have to accept your friend request again. Douche bag.” I snort.

He then smiles at me. The kind of smile he usual gives me when we were still hanging out together. I turned my head to one side and I motioned him to come forward. He moves towards me and I gave him a tight hug.

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