A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 39- Back Home

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Two months.

It has been two months and a week—perhaps. I’ve been sitting in this leathery seat for a whole fifteen minutes now. All I could think of is the ticking of my watch as it turns another minute and of course, getting off this train that would bring me to Rhode Island.

But it was my choice to leave. But I’ve never felt so homesick right now. It’s even mad for someone like me to feel this way since when I was a kid, my dad and I use to move on different places at a time. It seems like a heavy part of me has been left behind. I feel like I am becoming lost to another world and becoming another specie that I don’t like.


Maybe I could take a trip to New Hampshire and visit him. No. That would be insane. I couldn’t possibly be thinking of that. He’d think that I am so desperate. And I am not so desperate (yet).

I am desperate.

Maybe that’s why Marky and I love each other. We are too different and yet we are unlikely the same. So I pulled myself together and decided to take a nap instead.


My dad has given me enough instructions to get to my boarding house which was in fact just a walking distance to my school. And to be exact with my new prison it was actually an ALL GIRLS dormitory which obviously excludes boys even to visit. I cannot believe that my dad had placed me in here. But then he would reason that I should avoid getting into “trouble” again. I know that trusts have its limitations. I respect my dad’s decision although I am saddened about it.

“Well, I was hoping a gorgeous janitor would be here to fetch my bags down stairs.” I started towards the occupied bed opposite to mine. “But then they sent me a sparring partner instead.”

Rein sat on her bed, cross-legged and cross arms. She raised an eyebrow at me and I blinked at her in disbelief.

“I—I think I got in the wrong room.” I scrambled to look at my room key and number.

“Room no. 21?” she asks bluntly.

I groaned inside my head. Of all the people to be roommates with for four years.  I went inside the room with my luggage and was fully aware of Reins eyes on me.

“You brought one luggage for four years?” she scoffs and did not try to hide her scorn.

I nodded. “What are the shopping malls for?” I said in a matter-of-fact way and she shut her mouth.

“I honestly don’t get Marky’s type.” I think she was intending to say that to herself—but then aloud? Wow. Upon hearing his name my heart skipped a beat in pain. I turned to face Rein who was now lying in her bed. Obviously waiting for her things to be brought up in our room.

“So what college are you in?” she asks.

“Rhode Island School of Design.” I answered.

She sat up. “You’re not a stalker are you?”

I frowned at her as I sat in my bed. “Girl, I am way too beautiful to be a stalker.”

She rolls her eyes at me and lies back in her pillow.

A smile crosses my face. “You know… I haven’t thank—“

“Don’t you dare say that word.” She cuts me before I could even thank her. “I don’t like acts or words of kindness around me, okay. Gross. If you are grateful for what I did, just thank me by giving me enough space in this room.” she says with her eyes closed. “I’m sure my things won’t fit in here.” she looks back at me.

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