[ 07 장 ] : Anguish

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Note: This happened when the 8 mouseketters were children

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Note: This happened when the 8 mouseketters were children

"Mom, what's marry?" Aeri asks their Mom curiously, her eyes sparkling as she had asked that question "Marry? Its like being with the one you love in the future sweetheart, why though?" Their Mom asked her, she paused before she started fiddling with her little fingers "Because I also want to marry someone in the future!"

Exclaimed the female as she grinned happily talking about it, the heads of 7 soon turned. Including their beloved Father who was playing with their 7 sons "Marry who? Who's getting married?" Their Dad asked, hearing the word Marry he now was curious as to who was getting married. Aeri happily pointed to herself "Me Dad! I'm getting married!" She happily points to her own little happy self, the 8 boys in the room soon silenced themselves at the hearing of that


The deafening silence was soon broken down with Jungwon's little sneeze in which Heeseung quickly covered with a tissue, swiftly wrapping the tissue around his nose as his sneeze came out "Hehehe...sorry, I sneezed." Jungwon apologized while giving out a small smile, Heeseung smiles before patting his head lightly

"Mom, who's getting married?" Niki asks, placing the crayons he held before turning his head to meet Aeri and their Mom, she smiles before gently patting Aeri's head. The boys took just a second before quickly realising who their Mom meant. They all exclaimed quickly as soon they all swiftly caught up with it

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