[ 22.5장 ] : Dark Moon, The Blood Altar Bonus!

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Dark Moon: The Blood Altar, Bonus!

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Dark Moon: The Blood Altar, Bonus!

Its not really a continuation of the webtoon because I fast passed to read Chapter seven, okay?

I just suddenly had a thought back- what if I reenact scenes of my favorite royalty reincarnation manhwa, "The Youngest Princess" using the Dark Moon: The Blood Altar Rewritten character versions?

Royalty + Dark Moon: The Blood Altar Rewritten version = ✨FUN✨

So I thought to myself, this is a good time to let my imagination run free like a wolf! MUEHEHEHEHEHE-

I'll be writing five or six(?) of my favorite scenes in the manhwa, so expect this bonus chapter to be long too just like the previous, haha!

And so with that, let reenactment of royalty sibling reincarnation begin!

━━━━ [ 🩸 ]

REMINDER BEFORE WE START: Some scenes I might show here might contains spoilers of "The Youngest Princess" that people have yet or have not read yet so, heads up!

Some parts here will be rewritten by me so, expect some changes here >:D

The Youngest Princess (1)
Chapter 14

( A/N: For this one, I had to make Noa older than Nari for this one and made him twins with Jakah instead )

While their Father and their eldest brother, Heli went to war while also working hard to pick pearls in Quantea to gift Nari as a gift for her upcoming birthday that'll come by, Nari was also busy living her life

Heli Aziel Yisteria, the firstborn and the crown prince of the Yisterian Empire. Heli's second name, Aziel, has a biblical approach as it roots from Hebrew in which means "God is my strength."

She's doing her best in studying as the youngest princess of their empire

"But I'm bored..." Nari tells herself

Nari Cerise Yisteria, that is Nari's given name by the emperor, their Father. Cerise means a bright or deep shade of red

But the truth is, she's just pretending to be studying hard. Because she already knows them- well, so much for the royal family in this empire to be vampires of some sorts, Nari scrunches her face

Reaching for a red crayon as Nari tries to draw the bowl full of fruit right before her, she slowly blinks her eyes "It'll be perfect if I can master this!" She tells herself

But as she drew on, she can't help but exchange looks back at forth at her model, the bowl of fruits, and the drawing that she drew unto a piece of paper she had with her laid onto the table

She stared at her drawing

It didn't even look like edible fruits, nor the bowl even looked round to carry all of the fruits. Nari let's out a sigh as she places her head down unto the table "Hmmm..." She loudly groans, completely frustrated

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