[ 10 장 ] : Bathroom lineup to first

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Most families will have one bathroom for the kids to use, which becomes a major issue when you have multiple siblings like Aeri with her 7 brothers

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Most families will have one bathroom for the kids to use, which becomes a major issue when you have multiple siblings like Aeri with her 7 brothers. Getting to the bathroom first was like a battlefield every single day, fighting to whoever gets there to the bathroom first was always an everyday thing to always happen

The hallways were completely silent, deafening silence rolling in the entire hallway, from Heeseung's to down to Niki & Aeri's were completely Q U I E T. A door silently opens, revealing Niki looking left and right as he pops his head through the small opening he had opened on the door of his shared room with his twin sister, Aeri “Coast is clear!” Niki whispers, Aeri pops her head out next and gives little gestures that they should start moving “We go straight, don't make any noise, even tiny little noise, get it Niki?” Niki nodded

When they were just about to walk out of their room to act out Operation: Bathroom (?) Another two doors opened to reveal the twins' enemy, Sunghoon & Jay. The two older siblings froze when they saw the two youngest siblings freezing too, Aeri leans down to whisper to Niki's ear “Agent Ki, we have two enemies spotted.” Niki sighs and shooks his head “Agent Rin, do we have to perform Plan S & J??” Niki asks, Aeri nods because getting to the bathroom first is like winning the lottery for 1 million Won

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