[ 20 장 ] Struggles of being the youngest

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Yes, you all read that right. Siblings. Siblings are people who are related by everything down to the DNA and the blood line to you and are also children who has the same parents as you do; it's that simple and explainable to explain people :/

Siblings are nice to have

But when you're the youngest out of all the siblings you have, there are advantages and obviously, disadvantages when you ( A/N: or Niki and Aeri ) are the youngest in your siblinghood and in the family

#1: You have no photographic or videographic proof you were actually a baby ( In short, you have no photographic or videographic remembrances of you being an actual tiny little baby )

NOTE: well, you'd have SOME– but not as much as your other siblings does!

After a while, parents are so distracted by how many kids they have, taking photos of the youngest becomes a low priority on the list– especially when this house has seven boys and one girl all as siblings

"Mom?" Their Mother softly hums

Turning to see Heeseung, her lips brisks up to a smile "Hey buddy, what's up?" She asks, slightly fidgeting with his fingers, Heeseung takes a breath out and speaks "Uhmm...I need my baby photos..."

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