[ 12 장 ] : When it comes to going out

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Okay, growing up with siblings may have their advantages and disadvantages

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Okay, growing up with siblings may have their advantages and disadvantages. For the 6 other boys, they grew up smothered by their parents with studies, perfect grades, sports and many much more while, the two twins may have it easy but, the 6 doesn't mind--well at least, until one day came... That day where betrayal came bestowing upon the 6 other siblings.....

Their Mother was in the kitchen chopping some stuff up for the soup she was currently making for dinner, the 6 other boys were in the living room and the twins were currently making their way downstairs "Hey~ Mom?" Aeri says as she tugs unto their Mother's apron, she hums softly "Yeah?" Aeri and Niki both looked at each other before answering

"Uhmm, do you think we can go to this party?" They asked her, she takes her glasses of before clearing her throat "A party? Uhhhh.." Snorting out loud, Heeseung stares at them both "Well good luck on that." He says, Jay looks over and shrugs his shoulders “Yeah, there's no way Mom's gonna let them go.” The other 4 nodded along while all snickered at the twins' efforts, their Mother hummed

“Yeah, I don't see why not.” —— wait a second here?! Aeri and Niki smiled when they heard that answer coming from their Mother, high fiving each other, they grinned at her “Ah! Seriously? Thanks Mom!” The 6 other siblings sat there ein disbelief and immediately stood up “Wait what? You're really letting them go to a party Mom?” Heeseung exclaimed as he stood up from his seat down from the couch

“Did I even heard that right...?” Sunghoon mumbles while looking over to Sunoo behind who lightly hits him with his fist “No, you heard that right Sunghoon hyung.” Jay stood up as well and exclaimed “Mom, are you kidding me? You're really letting those two go?” He points at the twins who just innocently stood there beside her exchanging looks at each other

Jake gasped as he drops his jaw, kneeling down as if he head drastically lost something as he clenched unto his chest. Jungwon choked on his glass of water before shooting a look saying: “I did not just heard that right?” Their Mother tried to calm the 6 other siblings down “Hey, calm down calm down, okay?” She tells them 6

Heeseung shooked his head “You never let the 6 of us go to parties at their age.” Sunghoon cleared his throat “Correction, you were the one who mostly didn't went to parties and we went to 1 or 2 parties before but this, this still offends me Mom...” Sunghoon dramatically pretends to cry while dropping low to hide his face with his bangs, the others agreed

“So, you all disagree?” Heeseung asks them, Sunoo raises a finger up “Well, we disagree with all 6 of us not going to parties, but we still agree on how easy it is for them to just go to one.” They all glared at the twins' who practically crumbled before them. Jay soon exclaimed, following what Heeseung had started “Yeah, we all had no social life outside of school and sports!” Jay said and sighed

“Well, I—” Jungwon cuts their Mother unnoticeably and cried dramatically “We're already at the age to live our youth but we all still can't go out without you even interrogating us...” Said Jungwon while leaning unto Sunghoon's who still carried on the dramatical crying with him. Jake soon pokes his head out and spoke “We all were packed with studies, academics and sports that we were all raised well and——” Well, Jake tried to at least give a good reason to all their studying from before

The 5 glared at him and Jake practically became a puppy who whimpered before 5 hyenas wanting to hunt him down. Their Mother sighs and spoke “Well, I changed my mind okay? You two, have fun.” And with their ungodly speed, both Niki and Aeri zoomed out of the house ( A/N: Nah, it's just practically Niki carrying Aeri in a piggyback ride and running away as fast as he could from their hyungs ) The 6 looked at them in complete disbelief and betrayal 

“Nu–uh, they are NOT going!” Running out of the house, Heeseung chases after the two. Upon seeing Heeseung storm out of the house like Flash, Jay soon followed “Yeah, if we're not going, they're not too!” Dragging Jake with him, all Jake did was wave a Bye at them and suddenly started telling Jay where the twins took their escape route to. Carrying Sunoo into his hold, Sunghoon exclaimed “Well, if they're chasing Niki and Aeri, me and Sunoo are chasing after two escaping troublemakers!” Said Sunghoon and ran out of the house with Sunoo in his embrace, Sunoo yelled “PUT ME DOWN HYUNG!” He smacked Sunghoon

The tall male shooked his head and yelled back as they were now outside “NOPE! YOUR SHORT LEGS ARE USELESS DDEONU!” Seeing that Jungwon was the only one left, their Mother looked at him “Don't tell me your going with your brothers too Won?” She looked at him

“Well, all I do is just wait outside for defense and smack them unconscious both with Sunoo hyung's toy gun. That would be my only contribution of help for the hyungs.” What has happened to this family.... Their Mother said and felt like instead of having a normal and happy family, she got a violent, yet happy family with her husband and 8 children. Hopping down from the couch, Jungwon immediately ran upstairs to get Sunoo's toy gun and ran outside for defense, as per what Jungwon had just said awhile back

Spotting Niki and Aeri in the distance, Jungwon yelled “HYUNGS! TARGET LOCKED AND IN SIGHT!” Freezing in their spots, both Niki and Aeri knew—— this is not gonna be a smooth journey to the party


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