[ 13 장 ] : The struggles of being twins

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Note: I had to google stuff about twins for this chapter y'all (ᗒᗩᗕ)

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Note: I had to google stuff about twins for this chapter y'all (ᗒᗩᗕ)

Twins, yes, twins. Twins are becoming more common around the whole world, having two babies at the exact same time was what brought both Niki and Aeri into this world. Having twins is hard but, the challenges don't stop there when the twins grow older and older. Having twins brings its own set of parenting dilemmas.

Here are eight common problems that Niki and Aeri's siblings and parents had went through with having twins in their family:

1. Competition

Since twins are at the same age, they'll often play with the same toys, take part in the same activities, or even be in the same class. That makes competition unavoidable. Niki was the twin who completely endulged himself into dancing and Aeri followed her twin brother soon after. These two compete a lot, whether it'd being the most crafty and artsy one down to being the best dancer, these two were a cat and dog competing every day

“Wow, you two drew this for me?” Their Mother smiled, receiving drawings from both her twin son and daughter, she patted both their heads “Mom, Rinnie made it better than Ki did, right?” Tugging unto her shirt, Aeri looked at her Mom with eyes of expectation. Meanwhile Niki pouted and also did the same “Mom, Ki drew it better than Rinnie did, right? Mine was way colorful!” The 5 year old Niki claims

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