[ 01 장 ] : Let's talk about my Life

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Has your family life ever been dramatic? Chaotic? Tumultuous? Or, Frenzied? Well, not all families are like that, some may have expectations for their children, some may just enjoy living the simple life together, some may just be the typical family you would always see walking across the sidewalks or, maybe just the happy family living under a love home

To be honest, my life has always been chaotic yet the very enjoyable thing I'd ever had in this life. Since birth, I've been welcomed into a very big family, and when I say big, we are actually 9 members in the family. Pretty big for just a normal family, right? Let me explain this further on more. When it comes to siblings, my family owns 7 males and me, the only female in the family, exempting our Mother

Having 7 brothers around me was kinda like having lots of CCTVs watching over me 24/7 everyday. Sure I understand that being the only female in our siblinghood is really needed to be looked out for (according to my 7 brothers of course) I have been under their eyes ever since day 1 until now. What do you expect from siblings?

The oldest of us all, Heeseung

The oldest out of 8, born in the month of October

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The oldest out of 8, born in the month of October. He was the first ever son Mom and Dad ever had (that practically explains why he is the oldest) Heeseung has a really firm yet stern appearance but, don't plunder on that thought too much. He's a total softie if I might say, even the people with a very stern and firm appearance even has a soft spot in them. He's the sibling who everyone listens to once he says it, let's say, Heeseung is a complete Mom & Dad pet

+ Yes, the ace of the family earned his place at the 1st seat of the family. He's considered the ace since he knows how to do everything and we mean everything, from dancing, singing and down to even keeping quiet once he feels something's a bit off, he's truly an ace right?

The 2nd brother, Jay

The 2nd brother, Jay

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Seven Brothers and a SisterWhere stories live. Discover now