Chapter 23

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"Cheryl," I breathed out the name almost as if my long dream had come true. I looked at her as if I was seeing her for the first time taking her in. When I saw the ring on her finger, I realised that I shouldn't be looking at her she was no longer mine.

I wanted to stop myself from gawking at her from taking all of her in as if I| was a man starved but I couldn't. I had loved her with my everything and It was hard to forget that. Though I knew I had to move forward but she was the one who had come to me not the other way around. How could I neglect her?

"What are you doing here?" I could hear a different tone in that voice. The same tone that she used for her enemies. "Out here to destroy my celebration?" She taunted making the pretty picture I had of her breaking. She was never like this but I had to remember that I no longer knew her. I almost felt as if I was really doing it.Taking my eyes away from her I looked at the table where my hand rested. The ring finger empty signifying that we had ended. Maybe I should have just walked out of here when I saw them here. There was no way that things between us could change any longer. Not now when she carried a part of him inside of her.

"Actually he is here on a date with me. So I don't think you have right to accuse him of something that he hasn't done."  Allyson spoke up making me look at her.

"I'm sure it is such a coincidence. They happen a lot unfortunately." She added and I looked at Cheryl looking at Allyson with a look as if she was beneath her.

"I don't think I was talking to you." Cheryl snapped at her but Allyson looked as he wasn't fazed. Leaning back on her chair with one of her hand on tha table tapping her nails she looked at her. Giving her a wicked smile she looked at her.

"And I don't think you have any right to accuse my date of anything and if you do have then can you tell me what right do you have to talk to him like that." I could see Cheryl not liking that at all but Allyson enjoying that. I wanted her to stop and I was going to but when I saw Richard in the background I realised that I shouldn't. Why should I stop the only person who was atleast taking my side even though I had not been good to her? In this world where no one had belief in me adn no one cared to step up for me but she was the woman doing it.

"Or do you have any rights to accuse him of that. I mean I don't think you have right over him. He is a free man upto my knowledge here to be on a date with me. Am I wrong anywhere, dear." She didn't hold back in showing cheryl that she didn't belong here. Looking at me she gave me a wink as she looked back at cheryl. I think she was the one enjoying this very much .

"He was my husband who had almost ruined me." Moving towards Allyson she spoke the words in her face.

"Well I don't think you are educated enough. Are you sure you aren't a pre-k student?" I almost wanted to laugh at wht she said but I controlled myself. This wasn't the situation where I should do that. Cheryl the only woman I had loved for so long was standing here being degraded just because she had tried to do so with me. 

I was asking myself for a seocnd thatr why wasn't I taking sides with Cheryl. The woman I had loved the most. the one who I couldn't let go was here but I didn't want in her life any longer. Maybe the news of her pregnancy had been the last starw in making me relaise that there was no way I could get her back that there was no way she was going to leave him even if I proved my inncoence.

"Excues me," Cheryl asked with anger in her voice. "What did you just say?"

"Does she have a hearing problem?" Allyson asked facing me before she turned back to her.

"I asked that were you a pre-k student because ypou really don't seem educated enough." Her face grew seriosu as she sat straighter in her seat.

"Because you don't understand the meaning of the word 'was' or do you?" She paused waiting for Cheryl to say something but nothing came but her hand. I knew waht was coming and I was out of my seat to hold of her hand. She was going to slap her that was what she did whenever she got mad. Allsyon however beat me to it making me left halfway standing. Pulling her hand towards her she had Cheryl stumbling on her foot for a second.

(The Virtuous Husband) In the name of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now