Chapter 6

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"I'm sorry for this Karl," She spoke before sitting beside me in the car. Her hair dripping wet and clothes soaked. I didn't know what took over me as we stood there in the bathroom looking at each other. I looked at her as the car got into motion. She held onto the court that Karl gave her. I was trying to understand her but it was becoming difficult. I didn't trust her. Ever since she had come to work for me things weren't like before. 

My eyes followed her every movement but my brain was stuck on the question that what was so important that Mrs Deloris had to hunt me down and drag me to the office. I sipped the coffee that Karl got for me. I had this pounding headache after last nights drinking. I was irritated and cranky and looking to blame someone. Christa's word saved me. I was alive because of her and no one else. She was innocent in all this too and I was too. If she was living I could too. Cheryl's words broke something inside of me. I was devastated and was begging for death. Nothing helped me in that moment but her words did. It felt like the bond between us snapped. There was nothing left between us. The one-sided love that I had for her was gone, vanished. All I was left with this rage inside of me I didn't know why. The last of the love I had inside of me was gone. I was left with nothing but this cold spreading inside of me. My heart turned to stone it didn't beat anymore for anyone.

"We need to go inside through some other entrance Karl. I'm sure reporters would be still blocking the entrance." She spoke drawing me out of my mind. I saw Karl giving her a weak nod. As we reached near the office he turned the car to the right rather than going straight. We were going to the basement. The reporters buzzed around the entrance of the basement.

"Shit," Alison spoke from beside me. In minutes they were at the car banging at the windows asking questions that didn't reach my ears. My face bare of emotions. Was this what Alison wanted or planned? There wouldn't be reporters here bullshit to it. It took every ounce of restraint in me to not to snap at her. Was this what she wanted, to trouble me? The thought popped inside of my mind from somewhere. Was it her way of retaliation for what I did to her? I could hear the snap of words the reporters said and they only enraged me. In minutes we were inside and as soon as the car stopped I was out. I was angry, bloody angry at Alison. This girl ticked me off. She was too close to me. She followed me to the elevator and stood beside me without saying a word. As soon as we were enclosed in the metal box I pushed her to the wall beside. A gasp left her lips. I looked deep in her hazel eyes. I could see shock and fear in her eyes. Fear. Why would be there fear inside of her?

"Noel.. sir,"  she stuttered and my eyes went to her lips. They were alluring, with the light shade of red coating them. Her brown hair sticking to her cheeks were a great contrast to her pale skin. I could see red on her cheeks. Her breath fanned on my skin. Her breathing wasn't normal, she wasn't normal. She was scared like a mouse caught in a cage. I was so engrossed in understanding who she was I didn't saw her lips descending upon mine. Only when her lips connected to mine I felt myself going stiff. Her lips were soft upon mine and the way they moved upon me made me feel something. They made me feel human and I hated it. Pushing myself away from her I put distance between us. Sounds of her ragged breathing reached my ears. My eyes stared into her hazel ones, they were clouded with emotions and lust. I knew those expressions very well. It was the way Cheryl and I felt every goddamn minute we were close. This girl was faking it I told myself. There wasn't a goddamn thing between us. I hated her with every pore of my skin. She couldn't make me feel a thing. She was just after my money like other women were always. I averted my eyes from her and closed them. Why in the hell my life fucking falling apart ever since she came stumbling in my life. Everything was going downhill. I was never caught around Cheryl's house but now I was. I was feeling things and it was fucking me up mentally. I wasn't supposed to feel anything with anyone besides Cheryl. there was fucking something wrong with my firm and it was all happening since she came stumbling in my life. Who the hell was she? My bad fate or luck?

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