Chapter 33

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I couldn't sleep the whole night or even half the day. I had turned and twisted in the bed with Adam on my mind. How could people lie about pregnancy? Was it really easy, just a few words because it didn't feel the same for me? From all that I thought it was really hard. It made me question myself, made me question my thoughts, upbringing, and conscience. Maybe all those people who could lie about such a thing were either desperate or lying was second nature to them. I wanted to go with the former one because I had been put in a place like that.

I wasn't desperate but I was put in a position where others desperation had me doing it. After speaking the lie I had walked out of there without a backward glance. I didn't want to talk to anybody and even though more than a day had passed since that I couldn't look at my phone at all. Somewhere it had been more than thirty-six hours since that, Adam hadn't called back at all but I was scared to see even a text from him. Even my phone was haunting me in a way. While everyone was waiting for Adam to show up at my door, I was dreading to face him.

Had they put someone on the lookout duty over at my door? I wondered.
It sounded crazy but it couldn't be ruled out.

All of them wanted me to sleep at Christa's house and I could understand why. Christa had approached me with the idea of Dolores just behind her. I had to turn down the idea on the spot. I knew deep down Dolores wanted to keep an eye on me, maybe they all did and they were right to because I had the inkling inside of me, to tell the truth to Adam, to just ask him and get this over with. However, there was a fear inside of me too that he could easily lie to me about it on the phone.

No one had an idea how difficult it was for me.

I was a big girl yet I wanted to cry over it like a baby, which I never did. Turning in my bed I looked up at the ceiling wondering how I became part of this mess or more like why. All I wanted to do was work, climb the corporate ladder, and date the bad boys. I was a badass bitch back in my town but Dolores made me feel like a child. Suddenly everything seemed lost to me.

The ringing of the doorbell had me shut my eyes. Not again. It might have been Dolores or Christa to know about whether Adam had called. I was so tired of this game we were playing. It was draining me out. The constant overthinking was pulling me deeper into a place where I had never been to. The bell rang once again making me move from my deep slumber of sheets and pillows to attend the door.

I was betting it to be Dolores. Last time it was Christa this time I had my bet it to be Dolores with Christa in tow. The constant ringing of the bell had me almost falling due to twisting my leg in the sheets. Didn't they know I had heard them the first time?

Yanking the door open I was looking nothing less of a short mess, ready to snap at Dolores or even Christa but I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw the disheveled black hair and piercing green eyes looking at me. With a traveling suitcase in his hand and a bag over his shoulder, I was sure that he was coming straight away from the airport.

"Adam," my voice barely a whisper but he just smiled looking at him. He looked tired, somehow a lot more than tired, but how he looked at me made me want to cry. My heart beat so rapidly against my rib cage that I was scared that I might pass out or even have a little heart attack. The way his eyes looked at me with so much concern and love was like someone hitting a hammer on my heart. It was a painful experience, to begin with.

"Allison," my name rolled out of his lips as if prayer and guilt seeped into my veins.

"I came as soon as I could," he said as he wet his lips and all I could do was follow the movements. The images of our night together flashed through my mind. The way he teased me, how he played with my body, and the bliss I felt in one night with him. The concern that followed, the intimacy that we were wrapped in was beautiful in its way but right now us standing here felt so wrong.

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