Chapter 3- Meet the ORC! Stray Devil Encounter

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Rias had just left for school after Gokus conversation with her. She offered him to stay at the building until she got back. Meanwhile he was headed for the kitchen with a growling stomach. It was chow time for him and he couldn't wait to see what there was to eat.

He entered the kitchen just after Rias had left. As soon as he entered, he noticed how clean it was. Nothing left on the island unit or the kitchen work tops. It was quite small for being in such a big building but that didn't bother Goku. He noticed the huge, metal double door refrigerator that sat on the left side of the kitchen cupboards.

*MMMMmmmmmmmrrrrggggg* His stomach growled even louder then previously.

"Oh man, look at the size of that thing!" His mouth watered while imagining the contents of the fridge.

He bolted over to where the fridge sat in the kitchen. As Goku got to the fridge door he licked his lips and rubbed his hands together, ready to see what was behind the refrigerators doors.

He slowly opened the double doors to the fridge. The cold air trapped inside the fridge escaped and hit him right in the face. The light in the fridge turned on as the doors were nearly fully open. Finally, he found exactly what his stomach was growling for.

*Angelic Music*

"HOLY. MOLEY!!!" He shouted with excitement with a huge smile on his face.

As he looked down at the contents of the fridge, it looked like everything was glistening at him. There were at least four rows in the fridge, all with different kinds of fruit, vegetables and meats. On the top shelf there was a large carton of eggs as well as some soda cans and a carton of milk. Below the top shelf there was fruit, all vibrant of color. The shelf below had vegetables that looked like they were just brought very recently, not a single one looked off. At the bottom of the fridge there was different kinds of meat such as chicken, bacon and ham.

"There's so much! Let's see here..." He glanced his hand over the food in the fridge, ready to snatch anything that looked appetizing. (Which was pretty much everything in the damn fridge...)

"I'll take this, and this, and this, oh and maybe this, and this, and a bit of that..." He continued to grab food out of the fridge and stacked it all in his other arm like a basket.

When he was done with fridge he ended up having to balance everything in both hands due to the amount he took. He sat everything up on the island unit and turned back around. He then noticed a small cupboard next to the fridge he just raided.

'There must be more in here. The stuff I have now is just not enough.'

He walked over to the kitchen table top and opened the cupboard below.


He seen that within the cupboard there was what looked like some chocolate bars and other candy looking products all wrapped with their packaging. There was also a jar of cookies to the side of them.

"Something sweet wouldn't hurt. Besides, I'm too hungry to care." He grinned while beginning to snatch away at the candy and cookies within the cupboard.

Goku turned around with his hands full of candy and placed them atop the mountain of food he already grabbed from the fridge.

"Finally... it's chow time!" He smiled.

He looked at the meat products that he grabbed from the fridge.

"It's not gonna be the same at home." He brought a chair out and sat down with the mountain of food in front of him. "I suppose I'm gonna have to use my Ki for now. Don't want to start a fire hehe." He scratched the back of his head.

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